Hope for the hopeless

Have you been struggling for some time with a particular problem or sin, only to find that your efforts are never sufficient to bring resolution to your problem? Are you thinking, here comes yet another year of hopeless struggle? Do you need a gift of hope today?

John Piper wrote a devotional, Hope for the Worst of Sinners, that offers real hope for all of us. He recalls the true story of Moses who pleaded with God to have mercy on the rebellious Israelites. God responds:
“I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy.” (Exodus 33:19)

What an incredible verse of hope for us! God’s decision to grant mercy is not based on my goodness! I remember visiting with a gal several years ago about this. She just could not grasp the truth of this statement: No one can go beyond the reach of God. There is no limit to his grace that any of can exceed. There is always room at his feet to receive mercy. (That’s why it is called Amazing Grace!) You may think you are not good enough, you’ve done too much wrong and not enough good. You are probably right, but that doesn’t limit God’s ability to forgive and to grant you grace.

Piper reminds us that if you haven’t accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, you are still not beyond God’s reach. While you breathe there is time to repent. Perhaps you’ve made a commitment to follow Jesus but you’ve drifted away. Perhaps you’re following him in many ways of your life but have kept back certain parts of your life to try to control on your own. (It’s not working, is it?)

Where is our hope? It is in turning away from our futile self efforts and asking God to guide us. It is in seeking his presence not just to solve a problem but to enjoy being with him. In his presence you will find mercy, love, and real hope.

“Come, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool” (Isaiah 1:18).

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