Tag Archives: 1 Corinthians 15:17 & 19

Does resurrection matter?

Some people, even some professing Christians don’t believe in the resurrection of Jesus and therefore question the possibility, of their own resurrection. There are all sorts of opinions about what happened after he died, but this is how the bible describes Jesus after his resurrection:

He spoke saying, “It is I myself.” His disciples saw his nail-pierced hands and he invited them to touch him. He said to them, “I am not a ghost.” Jesus walked on earth in his resurrection body. He stood on a shore where he cooked fish. He invited his friends saying, “Come and have breakfast.” The risen Jesus walked and talked with the men on the road to Emmaus. Mary recognized his voice when he called her by name. Though his resurrected body was physical in every way, he was able to appear in a room with the disciples even though the door was locked. Not only was his body resurrected but we learn of resurrected relationships as we read of how we demonstrated his love for them. He talked with them and trusted them with the great task of reaching others in his name.

By all accounts, this fully persuades me to believe that the resurrection story is literally true. Not big news, you say? Why is this important? The real resurrection of Jesus is the foundation for our faith and the model for our future too, and the focal point of our hope. As Paul says, “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins…(and) we are to be pitied more than all men.” (1 Corinthians 15:17,19) If Christ didn’t conquer the grave, neither could we. Our sins would remain as testimonies against us. Not only that, but from where would come the power for us to overcome the world of difficulties we face? What if you put a sticky note ensxribed “Resurrection Power!” where you would see it throughout the day? Do you think reflecting on the resurrection power of the risen Jesus would make a rearl difference in your life?

John Piper states, “Christianity is  not a platonic religion that regards material things as mere shadows of reality. Not the mere immortality of the soul, but rather the resurrection of the body, and the renewal of all creation is the hope of the Christian faith.” Whenever we long for things to be better, in a pure sense we are longing for heaven, life as it was always intended to be, full, abundant, satisfying, joyous and meaningful. When you find yourself wishing for a more just and fair world, for more love and less hatred, for a pure uncorrupted body and unspoiled nature, maybe you could take a moment and realize you are really longing for a bit of heaven. Can you imagine, not only a perfect body uniquely created for your personality and nature at peace, but also perfectly restored relationships?! It’s what we work to achieve now and will fully experience in heaven. “Just as we have born the likeness of earthly men, so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven (Jesus). 1 Corinthians 15:49

As I reflect on the passion, sacrifice, death and resurrection of Jesus this Easter season, I realize that what I understand about heaven is essential to the view of who I am right now and where I am headed. We have one life to live. It is not one path on earth going here and there, and a different one in heaven, but one path we walk, eternally connected across the bridge of this life to the next.