Tag Archives: Bolivia

A glimpse of Jesus

How was your Christmas? Good? Everything you wanted? Amidst the hustle and bustle that often occurs over the holidays, did you encounter Jesus and find the peace and joy that only he can offer? We did, in the hectic portions of the celebrations and the quiet moments.

One such quiet moment that brought great joy to my heart was seeing the pictures of the children from our mission in Bolivia. Some of you might not know that Go Light Our World (GLOW) is not just a daily inspirational blog but also a 501c3 nonprofit ministry that supports other ministries in the USA and across the globe. Currently, 100% of donations (Select DOnate from upper menu) go directly to the mission field to promote literacy, improved health and nutrition, and opportunities to experience worship and celebrating life together in Jesus’ name. We also sent funds to purchase Christmas gifts for children who would otherwise have few or none.

Josias presentsPresents - gracias 2

Their grateful hearts make the giving all the more enjoyable. But that’s not what struck our heart. giving to others 2

Josias giving to others 4It was seeing the children being taught to give to others out of their poverty. The leaders took the children into the streets where they found children who had even less than they did. And they gave them gifts…and hugs. That is what spoke to my heart and why I am so excited about this little mission in Bolivia.

It reminds me that if we have Jesus in our heart, then others ought to see at least a glimpse of him in our lives. They should see instruments of peace and love and joy. Here is to letting His light shine though us in the simple gestures of our lives. Here’s to celebrating Christmas every day!

Do What Jesus Said: Feed the Hungry…

Jesus said, “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Matthew 25:35-36

The context of this passage (verses 31-46) is Jesus, sitting on His throne, separating out people into two groups: 1) those who fed the hungry and quenched the thirsty, invited in strangers, clothed the naked, looked after the sick, and visited those in prison and 2) those didn’t. The reward for those in group one is eternal life but not for those in group two.

The interesting thing about this is not about good deeds per se. It is about loving Jesus. He says, “For I was hungry, I was thirsty.” The second group protested, saying “But WHEN did we see you hungry, thirsty, etc). Jesus replies, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Jesus so loves us that He associates our pain and suffering with His own. We don’t simply minister to others because they have needs. But when we minister to others we minister to our Lord.

We realized this when we first started mission trips to post Katrina New Orleans. Confronted with miles and miles of destruction, the overwhelming immensity of the needs was immediately apparent. We had the same revelation working with the local church in Bolivia: so much desperate need and so little resources. But the objective was not simply to help people. The objective was to love those Jesus loves and so show it in practical ways.

Someone said, “Think globally, act locally.” The way I see it we must do both. Who do you know who needs practical encouragement (resources, time, compassion)? Perhaps they aren’t actually hungry or thirsty in the physical sense, but you know they are emotionally. Look at people through Jesus’ eyes and you will see a very different world than the one you have been looking at.

Are you partnering with a reputable nonprofit agency to minister to others in Jesus’ name across the globe? Go Light Your World supports a mission in Bolivia that provides a hot meal, showers, literacy programs, well child clinic, and worship and prayer for about $2 per day per person. And also literacy and self sufficiency education for Gypsy children in Bulgaria. (See Giving link above.) Compassion International and World Vision are two large nonprofits that rescue moms and children from trafficking and cycles of dependency and abuse. Prison Fellowship helps care for children and families of the incarcerated. We have so much to give and so many ways to let our light shine while doing what Jesus said. Don’t wait. Start today. Ask God to show you the world through His eyes.

“I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything; but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.” Author, Edward Everett Hale

Meet Thuong

Like many of the relationships God is building here at the hospital, we met Thoung on one of our daily walks. With her permission, let us tell you about this remarkable young lady. (I say young lady because she reminds us she could be our daughter! 🙂

Here, Thuong is pictured with her new friend, Marcia. Here at the hospital, it seems I live in an, “Everyone Loves Marcia” world… Sometime I am sort of the “side kick with cancer.” Which is quite understandable because she is after all, so utterly amazing. 🙂

Our relationship with Thuong began with smiles in the hallway and thanking her for the important job she has delivering supplies to all the rooms. This simple gesture has resulted in numerous visits with Thuong. Through these we learned how she escaped communist Vietnam as a teenager, how she met her husband in a refugee camp in the Philippines, how she has grown into adulthood in the United States. We have learned about her family and she about ours. As we begin to share our faith, she kindly tells us that she is Buddhist. And so on this basis, we begin our friendship.

Thuong has actually been ministering to us this past week, bringing us two delicious home-cooked Vietnamese meals to our room. (I have been so touched and humbled by hospitality of others. It spurs me on to be more intently sensitive to others.) When she came back to our room today after her shift ended, we learned more about this incredibly brave woman who speaks of leaving destructive country specific customs and forging NEW relationship patterns. (It is interesting to hear this gentle Buddhist lady speaking of such basic Christian truth, that we are not bound to our past, that new beginnings, in Christ, are available to us now.) We talked about God’s plan for the sanctity of marriage, calling on the Ephesians 5 passage about the Love and Respect husband and wife need to demonstrate to each other.

Without this “extra month” in the hospital we may have not had the opportunity to discover this chapter in our relationship with Thuong. We are very happy to get to know this remarkably kind, generous, brave, and compassionate woman, and look forward to many more visits. I wish the picture conveyed the brilliance of her warm smile.

Postscript: I am old enough to have lived through a number of Evangelistic campaigns and methods. Sadly, many of these seemed to be more concerned with befriending people with the primary purpose to convert them, but not to really love them. If you are a nonChristian reading this, I am guessing you may know what I mean. Yes, believing Christians are motivated by the great commission call to make disciples, baptize, and teach everything Jesus has taught us…and to do so with urgency, because we are not guaranteed another day on this earth. We believe that the choices and relationships we make effect eternity. But. . .

. . . over the years, it has seemed to me that we should let the love us Jesus shine in and through our lives, and let HIM touch others through us. Some relationships will last for a season or for a lifetime. Others will last for all eternity. It is Jesus who changes others, not us. We simply are called to love Him and love others in His name.

I’ll close with a quote from an Anglican bishop who decades ago wrote a personal letter to me advising:

“Let us remember to hold hands
as we climb the mountain of God together.”

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Bolivia

You know the experience… you plan and work toward a goal, and just when you think you are close, life throws you a curve ball and changes the plan. In our case, we were following the call we received to pursue full-time ministry in Bolivia, when a week ago Bryan (who never gets sick) was unexpectedly diagnosed with a rare form of Leukemia.

Disappointment or HIS Appointment? One letter makes all the difference in the world! We are of course heart-broken at what we believe is a delay in God’s call to Bolivia. But almost immediately we understood that had we pushed this door open more quickly than we should, we could have been in a third world country without the ability to quickly diagnose or treat this condition. Disappointment was replaced with HIS appointment …God’s plan to protect and provide for His children.

God has also reminded us that EACH of us has a mission field right where we live. We have always stated this on our Go Light Your World website, but now it has become a reality. What does it mean to shine light into the darkness of others’ lives right where we live…to bring hope and encouragement where it is desperately needed every day?

These posts will reflect our journey. We invite you to add your thoughts so we can learn from each other.

Bryan and Marcia Thayer