Tag Archives: Discovering God’s will

Another dimension



We all understand what comprises a 2D drawing or 3D image. Maybe you’ve seen a 3D movie where the screen ‘comes to life.” At the outstanding 4D movie presentation of Beyond All Boundaries at the New Orleans World War II Museum, live actors appear to literally walk off the screen and onto the stage. You vividly experience the wind, the fog, the smells, and the vibrations from the explosions of war seemingly happening all around you.


Did you know that science does not restrict the study of dimensions to the physical realm? Mathematics and other sciences deal with abstract spaces quite independent of the physical space we perceive and live in.  And so we might consider another special dimension of life where we are in one certain physical place, surrounded and filled by real physical components, and yet at the same time quite separated from those elements:


Consider the spiritual dimension of God’s presence. The dimension of God’s presence is one of such closeness to Him that one can relate to and experience the “existence beyond the visible universe, departing from what is usual and normal especially so as to transcend the laws of nature.” (Quoted excerpt from Merriam Webster dictionary’s definition of supernatural).


Just as we enter the experience of a 4D movie theater by walking in and sitting down, we enter the spiritual dimension of God’s presence by making ourselves receptive to Him, by inviting Him to sit with us, and by responding to what He reveals to us. As a 4D movie can give us a glimpse of actually “being there,” even more so does entering the dimension of God’s presence give us a glimpse of heaven, on earth, here and now. It is putting oneself in a position that transcends our surroundings. Storms may prevail, but the sailor who dwells in God’s presence finds peace in the storm.


Paul calls this sufficient grace. (2 Corinthians 12:9). He shows us that we enter this grace by offering our body (our life) as a living sacrifice that is pleasing to God. Our experience of the dimension of God’s presence is measured by the ways become transformed by the renewing of our minds by His Spirit and His Word, and by not conforming to the ways of the world. And beyond simply transcending our circumstances, entering God’s presence reveals His purpose for our lives, His good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:1-2)


Are you ready to experience the adventurous dimension of living that transcends the troubles and worries of this life? Make yourself receptive to Him and respond to His voice.


If you believe, you will see the glory of God. John 11:40