Tag Archives: For heaven’s sake

Living beyond fear


We may not like to admit it, but fear plays a bigger part in our lives than we’d like. God knows this. Maybe that’s why he wrote “Do not fear” 365 times in the bible, one for each day! Sometimes we have rational fear. We should be fearful of God’s response to unconfessed sin, and rebellious choices that war against him. We should be fearful and take cover when a tornado comes our way, not stand out in the storm with a video camera! We should be fearful of real dangers that come with the moral decline of a nation or with our own wayward choices.


But sometimes we have fear over things that might not happen or even if they do, are completely beyond our control.  We have fear about finances, our job, our children, our marriage, politics, the personal conflicts in our life, a fear of dying and sometimes a fear of living in pain and sickness. We’re afraid we’re not good enough, strong enough, or faithful enough. Wer’re afraid of dying and sometimes afraid of living in pain and sorrow.


Fear comes knocking at our door, but God shows us how to answer it – with scripture and prayer.


The opposite of fear is: assurance, calm, cheer, confidence, contentment, encouragement, faith, happiness, joy, trust, love, and courage. Maybe we should to devote time this week and Google “what the bible says about…” these things. We can’t fight fear with God’s strength unless we depend on his Word.


We’re warned against storing up for the future when we aren’t guaranteed today. We’re cautioned against building up stockpiles of treasure on earth at the neglect of treasures in heaven. Maybe you’ve asked, “Should I set up an emergency stockpile of supplies in case of a pending disaster or war? Should I stock up on guns and ammo in case people come after “my” supply? Should I convert all my savings into gold?”


Maybe there’s a more basic question to ask when we’re tempted by fearmongers to build a wall against fear: Perhaps the better question is not, “Should I do this,” but “WHY do I want to do this?” What is the motivation of my heart? Is it to be a prudent servant of God who still trusts in HIM? Or is my aim to be self-sufficient in case God doesn’t come through for me?


I know this is a difficult question, but one thing we know from the scripture is that God cares about the motives of our heart. He cares whether we confront people with love or with a prideful vengeance that says, “I’m right.” He cares if we stock up great wealth for ourselves as a hedge against financial threats, or whether by learning to live below our income, we build up an abundant hedge to provide for others also. Living on one income instead of two offers you great flexibility to respond when God calls.


The whole matter comes down to how we decide to live this life. God permits us to live for our comfort and pleasures but isn’t it more beneficial to help those he calls “the least of these?”  In doing so we intentionally invest our lives and resources in others, telling them, “I believe in you. Don’t give up. We care. God cares!”


We all live with one foot on earth and one in heaven. It’s prudent to prepare for the end of our life as well as the disasters that come our way during it. Though some days are more of a rollercoaster than others, we all want to say at the end of the day “It is well with my soul! God is in control. His plan is far superior to any of mine. His goodness and mercy are with me daily.”


But in the end, let’s let our motive be to live each day for Gof, as prudent stewards and investors of the riches he has given us to help others in need –  for heaven’s sake.


Live well today – on earth – and with heaven in mind!




CS Lewis wrote, “If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.” Randy Alcorn echoes this in his book, Heaven:

“You are made for a person and a place. Jesus is the person, and Heaven is the place.”


For the believer in Christ, heaven is “the best to come!”


Heaven is a place of hope fulfilled. There will be no disappointment, no tears or sorrows, no pain. No more anger or fear. No abuse and no neglect. No brokenness. No cancer or Alzheimer’s Disease or sickness of any kind! And no more dying!


Whatever bugs you today or makes you sad, you won’t experience that in heaven. No more bitterness, anger, resentment, or grudges. No political gridlock and NO MORE WARS! Sarcasm and divisive attacks will be exchanged for encouraging words and actions. (We should learn to do that now!) We’ll trade weakness for strength, sorrow for joy. Relationships will be restored. Broken bodies and minds will be glorified and made whole and perfect. We will be humbled but never humiliated or belittled. Your fight against selfishness and pride will be forever vanquished. You will be FREED from everything that keeps you from being who you were meant to be,  your internal struggles and everything that imprisons you.


Think of a place where everything is in perfect harmony filled with the most amazing music you have never heard on earth. Imagine the most beautiful places you’ve ever seen or visited. Heaven will be even more beautiful than that.


There will be a great reunion with the champions of faith, the ones we loved, and new friends we never met on earth. I think people will come up and thank you for being faithful, for giving, for encouraging, for promoting unity – not division – and for not being afraid to tell the truth about Jesus. What rejoicing there will be! If you think heaven might be boring, you’re in for a surprise. God describes it as a celebration!


And what words could describe meeting Almighty God? Some tell me they’re going to give God a piece of their mind when they meet Him. I think I will be compelled to fall on my face before Him. Whatever doubts and questions you have will be answered completely. Maybe your understanding will be made complete in an instant; maybe it will take an eternity to grasp how deep and wide and high is God’s love! Heaven is filled with God’s glory. It is our singular purpose on earth and will be for all eternity in heaven to proclaim His glory. (How easily we get distracted from our true calling!) And speaking of purpose, I believe the full meaning of God’s purpose in working all things together for good will be revealed. (Romans 8:28)


Are you going to heaven? You can know. (Read 1 John 5:10-15.) Doesn’t it make sense to live today with heaven in mind? I hope you find reasons to give thanks today and every day. I hope thinking about heaven deepens your desire to honor God in everything you do. I hope it compels you not to waste your life in frivolity. I hope you learn to rest from always striving to get better and instead, rest in the peace of what He has already accomplished in you when He said, “It is finished!” I hope you decide that being satisfied in God exceeds every other quest you might pursue. We were made for heaven, so I hope you determine to…

Live for heaven’s sake!