Tag Archives: get out of the boat


Matthew tells the story of Peter, the only man recorded -other than Jesus- to walk on water. But of course, it seems that with Peter what starts with good intentions doesn’t always end well. And rather than being commended for faith to step out of the boat and start his journey across the choppy seas, Peter is known for insufficient faith that resulted in his sinking into the water.

And yet Peter had enough faith to do what no other had done. It was his sight that sunk him because he trusted what he could see more than what he believed in his heart. Like so many, he started well, fixing his eyes on his master, placing first one foot and then the other on the water. I don’t know how many steps he actually took before his eyes were distracted from Jesus to the waves around him. What ever faith he had was not mature enough to sustain him.

That’s the way it is with us, isn’t it? We have good intentions, and try to do the rights things. But doing good isn’t enough, and sometimes doing good becomes a distraction of its own kind.

God wants persistence, a character trait that is seldom found in the safety of our boat. Persistence is created out of trials of being buffeted around by the storm and actually getting OUT of the boat in order to follow God’s plan for us.

Persistence prays and doesn’t give up praying. It doesn’t give in. But persistence is also as much about who we are in a storm as what we do. Persistence sounds like fighting and in some ways it is. As such it is hard work. Persistence also means surrendering daily to Christ so you don’t have to surrender to your circumstances ever again. In this sense, persistence requires simply -and consistently – resting in God’s arms, keeping your eyes ever fixed on Him, and trusting Him to fight the battle you can’t.

What distractions are taking your eyes off the goal these days? In what area of your life do you need to take a persistent stand, drop your anchor, and get out of the boat? This is a defining moment of faith that, if followed, will change your life forever.