Tag Archives: Give thanks in all circumstances

Oh Give thanks!



Oh, give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good. Psalm 118:1


What causes you to give thanks? When is it easy to give thanks and when is it hard?


Multiple times throughout the bible, the faithful are found giving thanks to the Lord, for WHO He is and WHAT He’s done. “Give thanks, for:

  • He is good
  • His love endures forever
  • His wonderful deeds
  • His unfailing love
  • Granted favor
  • Answered prayers
  • The reigning power of Jesus”


It’s fun to give thanks when things go well, when prayers are answered and blessings are overflowing. The truth is, those in Christ always have cause to be thankful for His undeserved mercy, His overwhelming compassion and forgiveness, and the hope of His eternal promises.


But we aren’t always thankful, are we? We grumble and mutter. We grimace in disdain disappointment when things don’t go our way. We suffer under great oppression. And our ungrateful attitude only serves to make us feel even worse. It separates us from God’s grace. Sometimes I wonder if God might be more offended by our ingratitude than our disobedience.


Giving thanks doesn’t always make sense. Job’s so-called ‘friends’ who saw him lose wealth and property, family, and then his health, told him to ‘curse God’ and die. Instead, Job blessed God.  I remember my friend, who before he died of cancer, told us that he had fallen asleep spiritually. He had become apathetic toward God. He said that the cancer woke him up, and that if getting healed from cancer meant that he would return to his ungrateful ways, he would rather have cancer and stay spiritually awake. I grasped his strong message then, but it became real when I was diagnosed with cancer years later.


 In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18


IN everything, give thanks. We aren’t called to give thanks for evil or a fallen world. But we are called to give thanks in all circumstances, for it is God’s will to draw us closer to Him. Giving thanks changes things. It takes us from despair to hope.  It is the sigh that breaks the tension in our bodies.  Giving thanks doesn’t always allow us the grace to escape the pain and sorrow but it gives us the grace and strength to endure it while we must. It acknowledges that God is true to His Word – He never abandons us. A thankful heart brings peace to the soul even when the body is tormented. Giving thanks is one of the keys to our healing.


Let your heart become a garden of thanks. Even when you don’t feel thankful, you can choose to plant the seeds of thankfulness and then watch them grow into mature thanksgiving. For those in Christ, sorrows will not last forever. The goodness of the Lord is sure to be revealed.


“Yet, if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.” 1 Peter 4:16



Your Golden List

“If you are not grateful for small things, you’ll never be grateful for the big things.” The Ultimate Life

Red Stevens character was just waking up in the railway boxcar he hitched a ride on the previous night. His fellow traveler was standing at the open door of the rail car, counting. Red asked him what he was doing. He said he was making his Golden List for the day, something he does every morning. “What’s a Golden List?” young Red asked. The man told Red it is a list of ten gifts for which he is thankful to God. The list might change day to day but every day begins with telling the list to God.

Part of his list this day included:
Being able to give to others
Waking up to a new day

What ‘gifts’ do you have to thank God for?
Does someone love you? Respect you?
Do you have someone you love?
Do you breathe without coughing?
Do you have a place to sleep?
Protection from harm?
Freedom to worship as you choose?
Something to eat at least once a day?
Clean water?

I’m guessing your list, like mine, goes on and on. I wonder how your life (and the lives you touch) would change if your every day began (and ended) with your Golden List. Even in the face of difficulties there is much for which to be grateful!

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.” Psalm 136:1

Daily Treasure Hunt – of Thanks

Here is a pretty easy exercise to discover new blessings every single day, even on those “crummy” days: Go on a treasure hunt:

Simply carry a notepad and when you come to a transition point between tasks, meetings, appointments, chores etc jot down as many things as you can think of for which you are thankful. For example, I am thankful:

  • For my loving wife who cares so tenderly for me when I have no strength.
  • For a day of sun after so much rain.
  • That just when I think, “This is enough. I can bear no more,” God shows me that His strength is indeed made known in my weakness and His grace is sufficient for me to bear another day.
  • That the reality of how well I am doing is stronger than the reality of how I feel.
  • For the smile of a child.
  • For the prayers of hundreds.
  • For the courage of those willing to live life quite beyond themselves.

Your list will likely be different, but nonetheless the key to experiencing a certain peace in the middle of a challenging day. Be thankful.

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will… 1 Thessalonians 5:18