Tag Archives: give thanks to the lord

Your Golden List

“If you are not grateful for small things, you’ll never be grateful for the big things.” The Ultimate Life

Red Stevens character was just waking up in the railway boxcar he hitched a ride on the previous night. His fellow traveler was standing at the open door of the rail car, counting. Red asked him what he was doing. He said he was making his Golden List for the day, something he does every morning. “What’s a Golden List?” young Red asked. The man told Red it is a list of ten gifts for which he is thankful to God. The list might change day to day but every day begins with telling the list to God.

Part of his list this day included:
Being able to give to others
Waking up to a new day

What ‘gifts’ do you have to thank God for?
Does someone love you? Respect you?
Do you have someone you love?
Do you breathe without coughing?
Do you have a place to sleep?
Protection from harm?
Freedom to worship as you choose?
Something to eat at least once a day?
Clean water?

I’m guessing your list, like mine, goes on and on. I wonder how your life (and the lives you touch) would change if your every day began (and ended) with your Golden List. Even in the face of difficulties there is much for which to be grateful!

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.” Psalm 136:1

The language of love

In the old Dutch film, Babbette’s Feast, the old General Lorens is found in a moment of contemplation. Facing an empty chair he imagines his younger self sitting there and proclaims to him, “I have fulfilled all of your ambitions and achieved all of your dreams. Now you must prove to me that I made the right choice.” He had forsaken young love to pursue a brilliant military career and now carefully weighs his decision. He concludes that “the only things we can take from this world is what we have given away.”

My mother has always been fond of the song, “Love is something when you give it away, you end up having more.” Thanksgiving is like that too. Thanks is meant for giving. Thanksgiving is a language of love. (Contrarily, Billy Graham would talk of ingratitude as being one of the most vicious of sins.)
Imagine a life filled with giving thanks and one characterized by ingratitude. At life’s end you will be remembered for one or the other. Funny, we aren’t often aware of making life choices. But make them we do everyday in the small ways we give thanks and share our appreciation with others. Grow your life legacy by growing and sharing your thankful heart today.

“It is good to give thanks to the Lord.” Psalm 92:1