Tag Archives: God’s light expels darkness

Unexpected blessings -2-

Yesterday, I shared the lyrics and link to Laura story’s beautiful song, Blessings. You can scroll down to yesterday’s post if you missed it.

Have you ever wondered how composers come up with the inspiration for their songs? In this case, as probably is the case for each of us who are inspired by them, it is wrapped around personal experience. Laura’s husband was hospitalized with a life threatening brain tumor. She describes their experience:

“There was a time he was on a breathing machine and we weren’t sure he was going to make it. I spent my whole life singing, ‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,’ but until Jesus took me through something where my only option was to trust Him, I didn’t really know that sweetness.”

“It’s hard to understand why God would allow us to go through this, but I know He works all things together for good, and I feel my new album is reflecting that. Though He leads us through valleys, that’s when we get to trust Him and draw closer to Him all the more. Though I’ve doubted, His grasp has never released, never slipped. He’s remained completely faithful to me. He has proven that He really is my foundation and my hope.” *

BT: Are you at a point where you’re asking God, “Why don’t you just FIX this? WHEN is this going to end? Are you even listening?!” Perhaps part of his answer is already being revealed. As my loving wife has often reminded me in our journey through Leukemia, this isn’t just a ‘detour’; this is part of the road that takes us to unexpected blessings.

May you be blessed richly in drawing close to and waiting on the Lord. Don’t miss out on a blessing just because it comes in a different package than you expected! Look for God’s light to shine into the darkness of your trial, and for the peace He has to offer you, even when His mercies are in disguise.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” Jesus, John 14:27

*(Quotes from interview with Matt Hubble, FISH radio.) You can also watch a short video excerpt from an interview here describing how she and her husband wrestled with this issue of waiting for God’s good answer: