Tag Archives: He who began a good work in you will complete it

Nothing is impossible with God


You’ve heard it so many times before:


If God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31)

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)

We are more than conquerors. (Romans 8:37)

Nothing is impossible with God. (Luke 1:37)


These are all promises of God but how are we to apply them?  Because we believe in God and put our faith in him, are we assured that all our prayers will be answered according to our desires? That everything we want to achieve will be accomplished according to our plans?


Not our plans.

God’s plans.


The message of Luke 1 is that “Nothing is impossible with God.” Elizabeth was barren and she and Zechariah were quite old. But an angel of the Lord appeared and promised they would have a son who was to be dedicated to God. And it happened exactly as it was foretold. The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, foretelling that even though she was a virgin, she would bear a son through the power of the Holy Spirit, and that her son’s kingdom would never end. And it happened exactly as it was foretold. Both births were humanly impossible, yet nothing is impossible with God.


Nothing is impossible with God because his plans are invincible. He is Almighty God who made everything from nothing. He is the author of wisdom and understanding, the creator of life itself. He knit you together in your mother’s womb. He knew you before you were born. His power and love know no limits. He speaks and light appears. His son Jesus, The Light of the World, shines into the darkness of our troubles and illumines our path so we know how to walk in the path of peace, the very way to live our lives. He redeems our broken, lost, and hopeless lives with his great mercy and amazing grace. You can bear up under your difficulties because he will strengthen you with his strength and grace. Nothing is impossible with him!


Is this the God to whom you pray? When we pray the will of God for ourselves and others, we pray with the confidence that nothing is impossible for God when it comes to carrying out his good and perfect plan which far exceeds our own.


God has a good and perfect plan for you, better than you can imagine. Though circumstances look to be hopeless through your eyes, nothing can impede God’s perfect plan for those who seek him with their whole heart and trust him fully. (Jeremiah 29:11-13) It may not be the plan you foresee or even think you desire. The things we desire seem great to us, but sometimes they are like making mud pies in the street when God intends for us something immeasurably more grand. Nothing is impossible with God who loves you. You can turn over your daily to-do list and your very life ambitions to the God of all possibilities who loves you and will complete his perfect plan for you, if you let him.


Let your focus today be on the God for whom nothing is impossible.