Tag Archives: Living what you value

Do You Know YOU?

I remember years ago, teaching a values clarification class on stress management to a group of persons with mental illness. The point of the lesson was on the importance of aligning what we do with who we are and what we value. I’ll never forget one young man raising his hand and saying, “You mean when we act in a way that goes against what we really value, it causes us stress?” A smile came across my face at the truth that was grasped. (This young man went on to apply this truth to his life, move out of the institution, married, and is living a fulfilling life today.)

Every day we make decisions, big and small that either align with our values or defy them. Emotionally, we feel crummy so we decide to eat things that violate our sense of wellbeing. We get upset with a coworker or worker in the market when sharing PEACE of mind would have been more helpful than giving them a PIECE of our mind. We spend time in so many ways other than with the people we care about. We worry instead of drawing on faith. The list goes on.

A.W. Tozer shares a self discovery checklist that we can use to take a snapshot inventory of our motivations, ambitions and activities and match them against what we value in our lives. It’s a good exercise that keeps or current path in check with our goals. On one side of a piece of paper answer the “questions” briefly. On the right side of the paper, write your truly valued response. None of us take a perfect straight path. Question any disconnect as an opportunity for correcting your course.

“Rules for Self Discovery:
1. What we want most;
2. What we think about most;
3. How we use our money;
4. What we do with our leisure time;
5. The company we enjoy;
6. Who and what we admire;
7. What we laugh at.”
― A.W. Tozer