Tag Archives: Matthew 25:40

Partner with GLOW in Bolivia



Josias swim day lunch Go Light Our World (GLOW) is excited to support a vital gospel mission to the poorest of poor in Bolivia, South America. Our ministry brings the practical love of Jesus to those in need through programs in literacy, nutrition, and health. Those with emotional and spiritual needs are supported by caring counselors and friends.


Marco Young boys like Marco find reason for hope and opportunities to serve others. Marco cares for his own siblings and is a youth ambassador and leader to other youth. His growth as a godly leader is evidenced by the respect of his fellow youth.


bolivia 235Can see the joy and contentment in this little girl’s eyes? Children find love and hope when someone acknowledges and welcomes them in the name of Jesus. Marcia and I are excited at the prospects of returning to the Bolivia mission on a full-time basis next year as my health recovery progresses.


How about you? YOU too can make a difference in others’ lives by praying for the Bolivia mission, for children like Marco and families you won’t meet until you get to heaven. We believe nothing lasting happens without prayer. Will you partner with us to pray regularly for the GLOW ministries?


Another way to partner with GLOW is to make a one-time or monthly gift. Even $10-20-50 gifts go a long way in poverty-stricken Bolivia. We have no paid staff and our administrative costs are covered by one donor, so 100% of your tax-deductible donations go directly to the mission (See Giving page www.GoLightOurWorld.org).


You can also partner with us by spreading the word. Follow us on Facebook! ‘Share’ us on your Facebook page. Subscribe to the blog (it’s free), tell others about Go Light Our World.


Finally, you can partner with us by intentionally welcoming others in your own neighborhood and town, sharing with them the good news that offers hope and joy. Be a positive influence on our world!


‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40



Go Light Our World – Investing in lives

mama with little girl Go Light Our World (GLOW) works through the local church to provide accountable services to the needy, including beautiful people like Benita and her daughter Mariah who participate in the Josias program in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Benita is one of the faithful helpers at Josias as are most of the mothers whose children come to the program. Benita has five children (ages 2-12). The oldest, Christian, is also a leader in the program. That is one of the things I like about this program. It is not just about giving away goods, but it teaches literacy and leadership to help develop skills that will one day break the poverty cycle. Like many Quechuan families, Benita’s sells fruit and ice cream at the market and on the streets to earn money. Her husband, a brickmaker, sometimes has work, and sometimes doesn’t. Benita is also learning to sew at Josias, gaining more skills to support her family. Together, they live in a small two room house made of simple materials. Josias helps also with the fees so the children can go to school. $50 is all it takes to provide the materials for one semester of school for a child. When you give to GLOW, your $50 of designated funds go directly toward needs like this with no money deductible for administrative fees.

Lomas traveling literacy 6Lomas traveling literacy The literacy program now includes a mobile education unit where several students can work at once with caring instructors to learn basic academic skills.

Would you consider dedicating some time on a particular day each week to pray for the Josias project and those who attend? Will you ask God to help you see others through His eyes? And as He leads you, would you consider making a one-time or recurring monthly donation to support this vital ministry?

May God enrich your life as you look beyond it and care for His children.

‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40

A Life of Service and Love

Today, we pay tribute to a special person who not only understands the mission of Go Light Your World, but who has lived it out long before we became an incorporated nonprofit ministry. There is simply no way I can capture all the acts of love and service this woman has shared with others. Her list seems to grow each year. We share this not only as a tribute to this woman but also as an encouragement to all of us to be more attentive to the needs of those around us. (This is one of my own personal lessons relearned through this walk with Leukemia.)

How can you Go Light Your World? Here’s how one special woman does it:

  • If you sincerely care about someone, then intentionally put on your calendar to visit them when they are lonely, unable to get out of their home, sick, in the hospital, etc. Yes, it may seem uncomfortable to you (though not our featured person!), but the joy and encouragement you bring will speak volumes long after you have left.
  • A plate of home-baked goods conveys a strong message of personal love that says, “This is from me for you, because I care for you.”
  • Nothing says “You’re important” like a hug or a hand on the shoulder.
  • Encourage people wherever you go…to the coffee shop, the grocery store, in the park. Accept others and find yourself interested in them.
  • Be a prayer warrior. A prayer warrior doesn’t just say, “I’ll pray for you.” She puts it on her daily agenda and follows through…sometimes for years.
  • The best vitamin for finding a friend is ‘B1’. Be a loving friend.
  • Volunteer to arrange and serve meals for funerals, illnesses, etc. Be a behind-the-scenes helper. Today’s featured person not only prepares food for the first hour at Green Square meals (for the homeless); then she serves the food with a smile during the second hour.
  • Be an ‘unofficial greeter’ wherever you go: church, the store, a favorite restaurant. Your smile and interest in others will spark others to be more aware of those around them.
  • Decide that loving others matters and take on the attitude that says,

“I ONLY DO WHAT I LOVE TO DO. (Love others)”
– Joyce Conley

HAPPY 84th Birthday Mom!

I love you and thank you Mom, for continuing to be a shining example of Go Light Your World and for teaching us by example how to live an adventurous life of purpose and passion.

‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40

Joyce Conley

Joyce Conley

Joyce visits her friend June

Joyce visits her friend June

Joyce with the owners of V +G Ice Cream and Coffee Parlour 2013

Joyce with the owners of V +G Ice Cream and Coffee Parlour – Victoria and Guillermo

Mom With friend Jan Smith

Mom With friend Jan Smith

Are you LIVING thanks?

A friend sent a card with a note encouraging us to keep giving thanks, something we’ve often mentioned here as absolutely essential for living victoriously.

So with that in mind, and today’s news fresh in mind, I’m thankful:

  • My platelet transfusion went through successfully rafter a bad reaction Monday.
  • My amazing wife remains always faithful and devoted to me.
  • I have clean safe drinking water direct from my tap.
  • I didn’t have to choose between food and medicine.
  • Nobody I know was shot, raped, tortured, or mutilated today.
  • No one bombed my town or house.
  • I don’t have to worry about doping or other secrets coming out.
  • My financial budget is strained like so many others, but it is in better shape than the Government’s because I don’t spend seven times what I make.
  • Leukemia isn’t in charge of my life; Jesus is.
    • If you want to be free of worry, GIVE thanks. Try making a list of specific things for which you are thankful, eg not just your friends, but what it IS they do or what characteristic you appreciate.

      If you want to actually put this to action, then LIVE thanks. That is, DO something with it. Consider giving up a daily or weekly habit you don’t need and sponsor a child who needs your guidance and love. Invest in a family’s future by providing a clean drinking water filtration kit. Buy a milk goat to help a single mom support her family. The ideas are endless. Here are some companies with VERY high integrity that make such grants available as they reach out to those in deepest need to help them become more self sufficient:
      CAMA Services www.camaservices.org
      Compassion www.compassion.com
      World Vision www.worldvision.org
      Samaritan’s Purse www.samaritanspurse.org


      “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”
      Matthew 25:40