Tag Archives: No what if – only what now

No more bad hair days


No more bad hair days!

No more bad hair days!

One side effect of chemo is that it takes care of the bad hair and bed head days! Even in the toughest of battles we try to find something to enjoy, some cause to laugh together, and many things for which to give thanks. Whether it’s cancer or some other serious malady:


You can’t focus on what you’ve lost.
You have to focus on what goodness remains.


There’s no sense playing the “what if” game. There’s only, “what now?” Having had strong veins all my life, I learned today that the chemo has likely permanently scarred my veins, leaving them much weaker than before, with similar affect on all the major organs. (We’ve yet to see what God says about this!) But what remains is life and love and improving health. Faith remains too and the strong desire to press forward in the fight of fights. Some think it is my constitution, my strong New England independent spirit that says never give up. Perhaps so, but it is so much more.


Trials visit everyone. Likely you’ve had your share of yours. Maybe you’ve felt  like throwing in the towel at times. But you don’t because there is always hope. Christian or not, we all cling to hope. As Christians we have this certain hope we should cling to…a hope that is firmly anchored in heaven and keeps us from drifting too far from our bearings on earth. It is the real hope that is certain of things that we might otherwise not see clearly in our miserable circumstances. Dear friend, do you know that hope that frees you from being a slave to your circumstantial pain and sorrow? God offers it as a free gift from his Son Jesus.


Sometimes, even Christians do not cling to the hope that is theirs. Preferring to keep clinging to fear, anxiety, despair, bitterness, and anger keeps them from embracing the freedom that living with real hope offers. It’s a daily battle and a daily choice: do I want despair or hope?


In my own battle, the coming weeks will continue to be tough ones though for now, I’m past the most threatening part. The attack continues on my GI tract, depleting necessary vitamins and minerals that have to be replenished in massive IV doses, and requiring my continued stay at the hospital for a number of weeks more.
We believe God for a future of healing. We don’t believe him to take us this far only to abandon us. He never will. So we continue to persevere and endure in his strength and with your prayers. It’s just something we have to get through, trying to grasp every lesson we can learn along the way. We are joyed to have you join us in the journey. May you be blessed also.