Tag Archives: renew your mind

What’s eating at you?


The doctors said the Graft Versus Host Disease symptoms could return at random anytime during the next ten years as the new host DNA grafted cells continue to fight with my host cells. Well, it did come back. While a maddening nuisance, it’s not medically significant. It’s like a thousand ants nibbling at the skin from the top of the head to the sole of the feet. In a moment of respite, I’m reminded of other things that “eat” at us all.


Do you find yourself getting frustrated at small things? We get frustrated with ourselves, frustrated with others, frustrated with things that don’t work, frustrated with the fast pace of life, and frustrated with the times we’re stuck in a holding pattern. We huff and puff,  sigh deeply,  clench our muscles, and frown. Sometimes words not meant to be said get spoken.  But it’s not like going into a full rage that requires anger management therapy, so it’s no big deal, right? Or is it?


Decades ago, I read a book on stress management by a physician who asserted that getting upset at small things is indeed a big deal.   Certainly, there is much damage that can be done by the big stressors in life:  death of a loved one, a serious illness, abusive and neglectful relationships, or chronic pain or nearly any big loss. But the doctor warned that it is the accumulation of small things that really attack our bodies. He described the chemical interactions that occur in the body and mind when we experience unproductive stress and explained how this takes its toll over the years. He theorized that each negative expression of frustration could actually shorten our life by up to thirty seconds.  If you find yourself getting frustrated ten times a day that’s five minutes. That’s an hour over the course of two weeks; more than a whole day over a year. Imagine, at the end of your life, wanting to have another hour or another day with your loved ones.


The doctor related that studies reveal even the memory of stressed events triggers these same chemical reactions. It seems the cells in our bodies are always listening to what’s going on around them and always ready to respond. This is a good thing because it allows us to react quickly to truly stressful situations. But when the response is unproductive such as negative thinking and worry, the effect on the body is harmful. Interestingly, the opposite is true. When our body is at rest and our mind contemplates positive thoughts, the chemical reactions have restorative properties.


The bible’s many warnings about worrying and thinking bad thoughts is not just about wasted time. It’s about negative affects on our minds and bodies. It’s time we discipline ourselves to think and act better. Demand less. Practice being calm in the face of frustration. Seek God’s presence in those moments and find the peace his perspective brings. Read scripture to regularly renew your mind. You won’t be perfect at this, but over time you’ll be amazed at the difference it makes in your life. And your loved ones will thank you.



Can I Really Change My Thoughts?

It seems we all have patterns of thoughts that are ingrained in us. Likely our life experiences have played a part in what we think about. And yet we seem to be wired to go down certain thought paths. Have you ever noticed two children, both raised in the same home, and one child who tends to think positively and the other who tends to ponder the darker side of things? Or in your own life, are there certain thought processes that seem to dominate how you view and respond to situations? After a lifetime of practiced behavior you might ask, “Can I really change the way I think?” The answer is Yes. But possible does not mean easy. You will be undertaking a revolution of your mind.

Changing thoughts and behaviors requires first a long-term commitment, especially if it involves a change in values. Like everything in life you are making a conscious exchange, swapping that which is customary but harmful for that which is unfamiliar but beneficial. Change begins with a commitment to a renewed mind. (Romans 12:1) If you are not desperate for a change, it likely will not come.

Just as a medium shirt will not fit an extra-large body, more trim and purified thoughts will not fit a mind that is ‘overweight’ with many desires. Not until we decide we WILL put off the thoughts which weigh us down and put on those thoughts that are beneficial to our well-being. (Colossians 3:9-10)

Some thought patterns go against God’s will – and His best – for you. You will not succeed in achieving lasting positive change until you agree with Him and acknowledge your rebellious ways. That was the case with me 32 years ago when I wanted to change my selfish and angry thoughts. Only God could bring about that transformation.

Some practical tips for changing the way you think:
Be careful where you let your thoughts go when you daydream.
Hang out with people whose positive thoughts guide their actions.
Learn to quickly acknowledge the presence of wrong thinking and imagine putting that thought in handcuffs and marching it off to a courtroom, and leave it there. Immediately replace negative thoughts with those that are beneficial.
Don’t dwell in despair. Learn to give thanks.
Train yourself to agree with God on what is good, what is noble, that which is pure and beneficial.

“Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator” (Col. 3:9-10)