Tag Archives: Small amount of exercise benefits much

Even a little exercise helps a lot!

Those who have gone through repeated cancer treatments and/or stem cell know: this process depletes your body in an immense way. Those of you who have gone through other types of physical or emotional stress likely have experienced this too. I’ve had a lifetime of good health and a pretty resilient attitude that allowed me to endure and overcome a number of trials (thank you God). And so I figured this would be another of those, just a bit harder. I was surprised by how more challenging it would be and how far it would knock me down and for how long.

Along with the fatigue of Leukemia, I lost a LOT of muscle mass. So when I got enough strength to get back into the community, I went to see the physical therapist about back pain and building up my strength and endurance. She did a great job of explaining what would help and emphasized how valuable even small exercises would be. I have to admit, my ego was a bit embarrassed to lift those tiny 3 pound weights and do simple stretching exercises with those thin plastic bands. But I quickly found that my Leukemic body wasn’t offended at all and found these to be a plenty good start! Already, as I start to increase repetitions, I can feel the benefit of these small exercises.

This is also true with our emotional and spiritual health too! Sometimes, if you have a conflict with someone you might be advised to have a long one on one talk with them. Other times, rebuilding the relationship starts with a simple gesture, a helpful hand, a sincere compliment. Similarly, if you have found God to be distant, a commitment to short periods of time in his Word, even 5 minutes a day, or short conversations with him, even a simple ‘thanks’ before a meal…even these may help start the rebuilding of a relationship that has grown cold. These spiritual and emotional exercises may seem more routine or prescribed than authentic at first, and you might wonder if they could really make a difference. But whenever we get off our path, we need to take small steps to turn around and start heading back toward our goal. Trust is like that; it grows over time, sometimes in small ways.

Even if all is well in your world today, you may be surprised at the powerful effect small exercises of faith may have… on you and on those around you.

“One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much.” Luke 16:10