Tag Archives: Transplant donor process

Transplant Update T-6+5

PS- I was mistaken on the day counts. Admission is T-6. The numbers count down until transplant day which is Day Zero, then day 1, 2, etc. Dr. Silverman is very upbeat about my ‘chances’ because, apart from the aggressiveness of my cancer, I am a very healthy guy. She also says that though I am still in remission, this type of cancer WILL come back and the transplant IS needed to (hopefully) prevent that. (No
guarantees.) She confirmed what we suspected, that this round of chemo may be a harder journey than my first two, and that the transplant process is a whole new process complete with complications and trials. nonetheless, we both remain confident that I will do well and so I also entered into ‘negotiations’ with her regarding when I might be able to return to work. 🙂 I have to do exceedingly well in recovery to keep my end of that bargain.

One of my chemo meds can cause seizures so I have started a course of anti seizure medicine to mitigate that. The meds are similar to Valium so I’m experiencing Newton’s first law of physics: things in motion tend to remain in motion and walk a bit on the unsteady side, a slight bit of the drunken sailor syndrome. 🙂 In the spirit of open honest communication I told the nurse of a cold I had last week. This prompted her to bring out two rotor rooter wires with swabs on the end to run up my nose and through my sinuses and, I’m not sure but maybe into my brain or down to my toes. Maybe I exaggerate, but it was an eye moistening experience. The test is to see if I have a virus that would set back the treatment process. Turns out all is well, so we were able to proceed with admission as planned.

I have had over twenty tests and labs in the last three days with more to follow each day. They will add other meds to fight potential Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD), and others to protect my mouth and lungs which are also at risk. The donor started taking neupogen shots Friday when I started my high dose chemo, two kinds, about 4-5 hours per day. His shots stimulate the release of stem cells from his marrow cavity to his peripheral bloodstream. This way he can donate the stem cells as easily as giving blood. The donor’s stem cells will be collected day T-2 and I will get them through a 30 minute infusion on or about April 4. Then the fun begins to see how his cells and mine get along. Being a perfect “10/10” match should help! The PT stopped by to give me a regime of exercises to keep fit and the PA challenged me to break the record of walking 48 miles in my stay. I did a mile day onne and two today. It is a much smaller unit with more restrictions than Mercy. Staff are responsive and kind.

My address is:
university of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
200 Hawkins Drive
Iowa City, ia 52242-1009
Room 7094-RCS
Phone is 319.353.9912
Expect to be here three to five weeks. I’m shooting for three without complications. That would be a miracle, but we know someone in that business.

I can have healthy visitors, no more than three at a time. Ramp 1 is closest. Elevator D or E to floor 7. Please ask God for our faithfulness and winsome testimony for God’s glory.