Monthly Archives: August 2013

Guess Who’s Talking?!

All throughout your day you are surrounded by sounds and voices, many of them directed at you, clamoring for your attention. People need your help, your recommendation, your approval, your response to some event or action. Staff, children, the boss, neighbors, and so many more all speaking to you. But did you know also that God is speaking to you throughout the day? This is not an adventure where we get our marching orders in morning devotionals and then report back at bedtime prayers. Our loving God is a personal God who goes WITH US wherever we travel throughout the day. And always He is ready to speak to us, guide us, comfort and strengthen us for the demands of the day.

Henry Blackaby wrote a book, Experiencing God, where he observes that God can use any means within His imagination to get our attention. Likely, it won’t be a burning bush, a talking donkey, or handwriting on the wall…but it could! More often, God speaks to us through people, His Word, circumstances, prayer, and our thoughts guided by the Holy Spirit.

God is always reaching out to benefit us. He speaks to us because He loves us and wants to draw us near to Him and help us discover His best for us, throughout each day.

But how do we attune to His voice? The answer is simple but not easy. We need to view and live our day with Him in mind. Whatever else we have on our agenda, however seemingly important, is secondary to our focus on who God is and who we are in His sight. When we seek to delight Him and enjoy Him in all we do, we will hear His voice speak to us and we will find ourselves delighted.

He is speaking now. Our job is to listen throughout the day…and respond.

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me.” John 13:7
“You will seek me and you will find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13

Fully committed

“For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him…” 2 Chronicles 16:9

“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8

Two verses describe a pair of realities we face every single day. On one hand, God almighty is looking throughout all the earth for those who are fully committed to Him so He can strengthen them. On the other hand, our enemy who seeks to kill, steal, and destroy is intently looking for someone to devour.

How will we be found today, alert and of sober mind, fully committed to our God? Or meandering along through our to-do list, mindless of our real purpose in life, easy prey for the enemy?

Perhaps we should take time before we start our day, “What AM I fully committed to? How many of my ‘commitments’ are in competition with being fully committed to my God, relegating Him to some small component of my life?”

God is looking to strengthen you in your battle today. He can do much in a life that is fully committed to Him!