Monthly Archives: August 2015

We do not lose heart


To lose heart…to despair, be down and out, discouraged, to be in a funk, depressed, sorrowful, saddened. We all “lose heart,” sometimes over the small things and sometimes over matters of great significance, sometimes because of how our own life is impacted and other times when the lives of others are affected, even those we don’t know across the world but we hear of their tragic lives of despair.


Paul was one who experienced many hardships and had cause to lose heart on many occasions: stoned and left for dead, whipped, beaten, shipwrecked, imprisoned, attacked and threatened by angry mobs, criticized, and even bitten by a viper. And yet he says, “Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart.” (2 Corinthians 4:1) He didn’t see his sufferings as an inconvenience to his day but instead as part of the plan to bear witness to a great and merciful God. He saw purpose and opportunity in his troubles. That’s our opportunity too.


I suspect we often lose heart because we’re so caught up in the moment that we lose sight of a different future. This last month has been the absolute worst health-wise, since my transplant. It’s been tempting to lose heart with no real solutions in sight and no end to the increasing pain and isolation.  There were times I wanted to give up; I had come to the end of my rope. But that’s quite the point isn’t it? When we come to the end of our rope and are drowning in our inability to fix things, we reach for the lifeline that connects is to the one who never abandons us but instead buoys us so we don’t sink in the waters of despair. Surely, you’ve had your own experiences with losing heart over your own personal heartache.


You feel hard pressed but not completely crushed, persecuted but not totally abandoned – though it may seem so, struck down repeatedly but not destroyed, perplexed but not in hopeless despair. Our lives are like Paul describes: ordinary and fragile jars of clay, chipped and marred, but filled with the treasure of hope in the all-surpassing power comes from God, not us. The battle is not ours alone! And today’s sorrow is not the end of the battle. Though the temporary ruler of this world wants to make you think it is! He seeks to blind our minds to the hope and power of God’s promises spoken into our lives – true promises we’ve learned so we can endure one more day, one more hour, one more moment. God has the power to bind “the mind-blinder.” Though darkness seems to surround us, God says “Let light shine out of the darkness.”


Are you feeling down? Dealing with a seemingly unsolvable problem? Situations beyond your control? Everything seemed to be going okay until suddenly you were blindsided? Don’t lose heart. You may be worn on the outside and feel like you are wasting away. But God wants to renew you today and every day and fill you with hope.


Look for the giver of life and renewed hope, not just for the gift of relief you seek from him. Let’s fix our eyes beyond our temporary present difficulties and disappointments and look to what is not seen… a better future and victory over the things that would otherwise cause us to lose heart.


Traffic lights


I’m thankful for traffic lights…especially when they are green. I’m guessing you feel the same way. We’re all busy, always going here and there, full of plans and activities and ambitions. We like the green lights that say to us, “Go on your way without any interruption. Please, proceed as planned. There’s nothing to stop you. Have a great day.”  They ought to put smiley faces on green lights.


But of course, it’s not all green lights in our life, is it? There are plenty of red lights that stop us in our tracks. They make us…WAIT! And which of us likes waiting? It often seems pointless, a waste of time. It frustrates our plans to sit at a red light when we want to move forward in the pursuit of our desires.


Then there are the yellow lights that confuse us. Are we supposed to hurry up and get through before the light turns red? Or are we supposed to slow down and be mindful of the circumstances that are unfolding around us?


Just as traffic signals govern the course of our driving, there are life signals that God designs to govern the course of our lives and even this very day before you. There are green lights that allow us to proceed as planned, full speed ahead. Of course some life roads seem to have lots of green lights. We might find we can make good time on those paths only to find they don’t really take us where we really want to go. Maybe you’ve been there, walking through every open door before you, only to discover later it led you to a place filled with emptiness and despair. The paths God chooses us to follow have green lights too, but not always. Sometimes the light turns red.


Red lights stop us in our tracks and impede our pursuit of our own plans. Cancer, chronic pain, a broken leg, the end of a relationship, a lost job, financial calamity… All these (and more) are red lights that put the brakes on life. We’re tempted to get angry and frustrated. But it’s at the red lights of life that we submit to being still before God and waiting for the perfect timing of his plan to be revealed. Red traffic lights test our trust in the orderly control of traffic. God’s red lights test our faith in his ability to maintain orderly control over our lives.  Red lights cause us to really unpack what it means that:

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28


Do you really believe that? ALL things? Do you believe that God can use even disappointments and pain and an endless list of frustrating events to work out for good? Do you believe that God can use the red lights and yellow lights as much as the green lights in your life? You can, if the road you’re one that intentionally leads you ever closer to him, if it is marked with the passion of loving him and pursuing his purpose. And if you do, you may find the red lights that stop you and the yellow lights that urge caution will not lead you to frustration and anger, but to a place of peace where you draw closer to God and find him plenty sufficient for your needs.  It’s quite possible that the red light is not just delaying your progress but keeping you safe from a pending accident further down the road.


When you stop at a red traffic light today, take time to breathe slowly and deeply. Let yourself relax in his presence. Enjoy a moment of quiet peace at his invitation. Ask God to help you trust that his plan will not be interrupted by red lights and that indeed ALL things will work for good for those who love him and are called according to his purpose.


Travel well today.


You and I are a reflection


“The acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree.” “He’s a chip off the old block.” Colloquial phrases observe how we bear resemblance to those who have gone before us and  who have influenced us by their presence. Sometimes, we reflect the physical likeness or mannerisms of our parents. Even when we attempt to flee from such resemblance, we often end up bearing some mark of likeness. But genetic traits aren’t the only thing that are passed on. The collective influences of others are also written into the story of our lives. Maybe you’ve learned patience from someone who was patient with you, the art of encouraging others from one who encouraged you, or the gift of generosity from one who generously invested in you. They are stories written onto the pages of your life, waiting to be poured out into the pages of other lives.


We’re reminded in 2 Corinthians 3 that when we submit to God, he writes his story into our lives. We become in fact, “a letter from Christ” (v 3) IF we allow him to speak into the every day pages of our life., both the victories and the sorrows. Your letter, and mine, is read by those around us. To others, it is a reflection of who God is. It gives me cause to reflect what kind of a letter I am: one of hope or worry, contentment or discontent, one of peace or discord, what of insisting my own rights or looking to put other’s interests above my own.


It’s humbling to recognize that God’s intent is to write his story (History) into our lives so it can be reflected to others. And humbling too, to reflect on what wasted efforts I sometimes insert into my own story that distract from the main plot of God’s intent. Whatever the state of your story, it’s not yet finished. There are more pages and chapters to be written. Today can be “The Turning Point: The day things changed.” With God’s help your story can be “transformed into his likeness with ever increasing glory.” (V18)


Let God speak into your life, your desires and ambitions, your worries and doubts, your hopes and fears. And watch with joy, how your pages reflect more and more of his endless love and amazing grace.



The dangers when you are hurt


How do you typically respond when someone has hurt you? Perhaps they were careless with hurtful words or they betrayed a trust. Maybe it’s become a pattern of behavior for them to speak down to you or insult you in hurtful ways. Or maybe the hurt comes from being shut out, ignored, disregarded and disrespected. There are two dangers that come upon us in such times. One is to be overly lenient and allowing abuse to continue. The other is being unforgiving and holding a grudge against the offender, which ends up hurting us as much as the offender.


Paul came across such a situation when writing the church at Corinth (2 Corinthians 2). Someone had committed an offense against the body of believers and their response was not to be too lenient but to discipline the fellow and furthermore, to hold his abuse over him. Maybe you can recall a time when you hurt someone, whether intentionally or carelessly but having asked forgiveness found that others would not let it go. It’s a dangerous place, both for the prisoner and for the one who holds them captive. Paul’s response was to caution them to not be overly severe in their discipline and to make sure that real forgiveness is shown. When forgiveness is withheld there is danger of being “swallowed up with too much sorrow” (v 7) for the offender and too much bitterness for the one holding the grudge. Not forgiving is like drinking poison you intended for the other person.


Repentance (the real turning away from abusive ways) and forgiveness are two sides of the same coin. Together, they mark how we are to spend our lives. Actually, isn’t it how we are designed, to compassionately and intentionally invest ourselves in harmonious relationships? In relationships, there is no room for pride when someone else comes humbly seeking forgiveness. In fact, we are called to forgive “as we have been forgiven” (even before we repented). Forgiveness is simply for giving. Too often in public cases we sense some sort of “righteous indignation” when one’s wrongs are discovered. But our goal is not to destroy the individual but rather restore them.


Is that how you approach matters when you are hurt? Is it how you feel when some well known public figure is knocked down? There are prices to be paid for hurtful deeds, including those which can never be fully undone. But a humble spirit realizes its own failings and readily forgives. We can’t always restore relationships, but we can be vessels that encourage restoration – peacemakers at heart. Do you want more peace in your life, and more joy? Consider making this your daily prayer:


“Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.

O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life.” – Prayer of Francis of Assisi


Why does God comfort you?

Surely, you’ve been in the place where a child was distraught, perceiving their whole as crashing down upon them. What do you do? You comfort them. Filled with love and compassion and no small amount of insight that assures you the whole world is not coming to an end, you console them to ease their pain. You let them know they are not alone and you give them hope. It’s what we do for our children because we love them and want to reduce any unnecessary pain. We don’t want them to be destroyed by sorrow.

But it’s not just for them, is it? Our hope is that they become people who comfort others with great sensitivity and compassion; that they become messengers of hope in a world of despair.

Have you ever considered that our Heavenly Father does the same for you? Filled with such unimaginable love and compassion for his children, he comforts us in times of trouble. Why? Is it because you are so special to him, like your own child is to you? Yes, of course. But there’s more. Just as you comfort your child with the hope of them comforting others, so God comforts us so we can comfort others.

We are blessed in order to bless.

The purpose of blessing is not only to fill our cup but to be poured out into the lives of others who need blessing. It’s the purpose for our lives. (See 2 Corinthians 1:4-5)

Troubles are part of the design of life, so “we might not rely on ourselves, but God who raises the dead.” (V 9) If we had everything we needed and more…how easy it would be to rely on ourselves. But we don’t have all we want or even all we need. We need the resurrection death-defying power of a loving and caring God who comforts and strengthens us in our time of need. We need him to resurrect life-giving hope from the ashes of our grief. No doubt, you well know that our troubles do not always go away when we are comforted. If they did, I suppose we would all come to God only for what relief he could bring, instead of seeking him for who his is. But still we need not only to be comforted but also to be available and usable as a vessel that brings his comfort to others. It’s the design for our life.

How do we comfort others? How do we even know their needs?

Doesn’t it always start with awareness? We can only comfort others if we know their pain and grief. And we can only know this if we look beyond our own happiness and intentionally pay attention to those around us. We notice their sadness, their absence, and the struggles they’re facing. We can only notice by being in the presence of others, by calling, writing, or visiting them for the purpose of listening to their hearts. By asking,”How are you really?” While we can increase our own sensitivity to others simply by paying attention, how much more will we increase our awareness if we pray daily for God to let us see others through his eyes. While we see through eyes of apathy or disdain, God sees through eyes of compassion.

I love the story of the woman who touched Jesus’ cloak and instantly he felt power leave him to meet her need. Isn’t that a picture of who we’re intended to be, compelled to overflow with the comfort which which God comforted us? When I asked one of my earliest mentors what it means to be a real Christian he replied, “It is to bear the mark of Jesus in even my unconscious thoughts.” And if we’re to bear the mark of Jesus in our unconscious thoughts, how much more in our conscious and intentional actions!

God of all compassion, who comforts us in all my troubles, help me to see others through your eyes so I can comfort them with the very comfort you have given me. Even as your sufferings flow into our lives, so also let your comfort overflow and bring blessing.

Greetings and conclusions that change the world


The efficiency of email and blogs and social media posts have obviously expedited the speed with which we can communicate with multiple people at once. At the same time, the brevity of our comments to one another often lacks the thoughtful expressions that once characterized our communication.


In years gone by, people would communicate with letters, carefully inscribed by hand on chosen stationary, and often sealed by special mark. Words were chosen carefully. Often the letters began with greetings like “Dear Mary,” or “Dearest Tom.” And they were signed with similar affection often with a summary of closing thoughts. Communications and greetings were marked with a concern for the protection of our relationships, especially the other person. Maybe you remember.


Such was the custom of Paul when he wrote to the churches under his care. He would often begin with a sincere and endearing greeting: “Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ..” And following his purposed writing he would conclude with a closing summary as he does at the end of 1 Corinthians 16. And though the letter was written nearly 2000 years ago, he closes with an encouragement to each of us today. It seems appropriate to whatever task awaits you this day.


“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love. Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (V 13-14, 23)


We are well advised to be on our guard, to stand firm, to be courageous and strong because our lives are lived in a spiritual battlefield that threatens to claim our mind and hearts. It’s played out in what we pay attention to, our ambitions and desires, our activities, and our relationships with others. We’re tempted to think our arguments are with people who disagree with us, with political persuasions, and physical ailments. And while true that is, our most serious battle is won or lost in the spiritual realm. And so we are well cautioned to put on our daily spiritual armor to protect our thoughts and emotions from falling captive in battle.


Our lives are lived relationally. It’s how we were created. As poet John Donne penned, “No man is an island unto himself.” Our lives are inextricably connected. When you impact just one life you change the world. This is played out in so very intentional many ways: by teaching, helping, encouraging, giving, by opening doors of opportunity, and by praying. But it is also played out quietly in greeting and concluding our communications with others.


It’s not only for letters, emails, blogs, and posts. It’s a good reminder for how we engage with those around us this very day:
Standing firm in faith
in reaching out to others
Strong in our persistence to do everything in love
Filled and exuding with the grace of the Lord.


However imperfectly we carry it out, it’s how we change our lives and others, and in the process, change the world.


What you believe is important


It seems everyone has an opinion on everything. From things that seem silly like does Bigfoot really exist to serious matters like how to be good stewards of this planet and how to be good stewards also of this life we’ve been granted. The truth is, believing in Bigfoot doesn’t make him exist and merely disbelieving the legend doesn’t make him a myth. The truth of whether he is or isn’t isn’t influenced by our beliefs. Similarly, something much more serious like climate change is not made true or false by what we believe. But what we believe can change US and how our lives impact our world.

This isn’t a commentary on Bigfoot or climate change. But perhaps it’s a stepping stone for us to think about what we do believe and the impact it has on our life. For example, I might believe someone said something with the motive of offending me. After all, I feel offended. But my opinion of their motive does not make it their motive, right? What we believe doesn’t make something real but what we deeply believe changes us.


Someone said the most profound question in life is this: “Do you believe Jesus is who he said he was?” Your opinion doesn’t change reality but it can change you. I have good friends who say “yes, he is,” and it appears to me they generally model their life according to that belief. I have other friends who say no or aren’t sure and they model their lives accordingly. And some of those who don’t believe seem to me to be very genuine, kind, and loving people that I respect and love. Some don’t want to think about the matter at all and that believe also impacts their lives. The truth is, our opinions about things don’t change reality but they change us.


Paul wrote a letter to the church at Corinth about such a matter (1 Corinthians 15). It seems some of them believed that Jesus lived, maybe even was the Son of God, but evidently did not believe that he was resurrected from the dead. Paul responded, “If Christ has not been raised (from the dead) our preaching is useless and so is your faith. Your faith is futile, you are still in your sins.” (V14 and 17) The consistent message of the New Testament is that we are indeed sinners and need a Savior, that Jesus died for the forgiveness of our sins, was resurrected, and that we too will be resurrected even after death. If God’s claims are true, whether we believe or don’t believe, our eternal lives will be impacted by that truth. Of course, the opposite is also true, as Paul states. If God’s claims are false, then our faith is in vain.


Our beliefs don’t influence only our eternal state. They influence our life now. Everyone believes in something. If we don’t believe in the power of the resurrected Jesus, we believe in the power of something else – ourselves, our family, our country, our passionate causes. If I set myself on the decision-making throne of my life then I have to rely on my “wisdom” and my natural skills and abilities and passions to guide my life. I’ve tried that and it never worked well for me. Everything falls short, especially me.


But what happens when we believe – really believe – in the resurrected Jesus? We come to believe that God’s Word is really true in all aspects of our lives; that when Jesus talks about giving us his Spirit to teach, convict, comfort and strengthen us, it’s a reality, not just some religious doctrine. It means the reality of the resurrected Jesus lives in the heart of the believer. His authority, his power, his ability to love those you really don’t like, his compassion for people you might look down on, his grace, his forgiveness, his patience, his self-control, his strength and his hope are yours despite the circumstances you face or even the emotions you feel. “He has put everything under his feet.” (V27)


God’s encouragement to those who believe in his Son is this:
“Stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the Lord, because you know that your labor is not in vain.” (V58)


How is what you really believe impacting your life?


Happy or not


Are you happy? Really happy? Is the world full of sunshine and roses wherever you go? We all want to be happy, don’t we? Well, most of us anyway. Some folk seem to only be happy when they are not. Like the porcupine in Walt Kelly’s Pogo cartoon who commented, “I hope I roll over and poke myself!” Others say they want to be happy but fill their lives with anger and divisive words that negate real happiness.


For some, being happy is the ultimate goal in life. Some believe it’s their right to be happy. The Declaration of Independence proclaims we all should have the right to the pursuit of happiness. But being always happy does not seem to be the evidenced birthright of any of us. Still, we should have opportunity and encouragement to pursue happiness.


Maybe you’ve heard it said that you can’t really believe in Jesus and be unhappy; that the joy of the Lord wipes away all tears. Of course, God makes that particular promise in reference to our heavenly home where there will be no more tears, no more pain, no more sorrow. But for now, we endure all these things, some more than others.


And if we really look at the life of Jesus, we see he not only laughed with the children but also wept with compassion for others. He mourned. He grew weary. He felt real pain and for one brief moment, abandonment. If we ask God to see the world through his eyes, it might take the grin off our happy face. It’s like watching the Palm Sunday parade with everyone singing Hosanna to Jesus but seeing beyond that to the backdrop of his painful crucifixion. We should rejoice in the smiles of our children but seeing all children through God’s eyes creates a more somber view.


I know we all like to pick our favorite verses of encouragement. But the promises of joy are in the context of sorrow. There is joy in the Lord because he is with us in our sorrow, our disappointment, our pain and grief. He doesn’t abandon us to our own weakness. His presence strengthens us. His grace comforts us. His promises give us hope. . . even when we aren’t happy. Even when a storm surrounds us. Even when we feel all alone. Even when our bodies writhe in pain. Even when there’s no happiness to be found in those dark places of life, there remains a certain contented joy that transcends mere happiness.


That joy comes from the knowledge that the creator of the universe sees you where you are. He notices, even if you haven’t noticed him. He knows your sorrow and your doubts. He catches your tears in his hand. Your worries and anxiety are not lost to him. He sees you where you are and he calls you by name. When you quiet yourself and listen, you can hear him speak. Maybe not in an audible voice, but you can recognize his encouraging presence if you are still before him. He speaks through his Word, through his Spirit, through others, and even through the painful experiences that make you so sad.


Happy or not, God never abandons his children.  Whether we’re happy or not, he remains faithful. He will continue to work good through all circumstances, happy or not, for those who love him and are called according to his purpose. Being sad is not somehow “unChristian.” It’s not a reflection that you’ve lost your faith. In fact, it might be the mark of a maturing faith to be sad in the face of poverty, divisive relationships, and so many oppressing realities. Your faith, not your emotions, is what sustains you, when you are happy – or not.


Pursue happiness. But pursue even more ardently the one who strengthens you and gives you hope when you are happy…or not.


A better gift


Have you ever found yourself wanting more or wishing you were more like someone else? It might be the way they look or their ability to think quickly. Maybe you admire the sense of peace that seems to characterize their life even in times of turmoil.


Paul wrote a letter to the church in Corinth about this (1 Corinthians 14). It seems people were more than a bit contentious about the manifestation of spiritual gifts and which should be most highly prized. We see this today when we hear ourselves say things like, “I want more money, a better house, and more elegant vacations. I want people to admire my creative crafts. I want to be fit. I want to be the smartest.” Or this…”I just want to be happy. Nothing is more important than that.” For sure, these reflect more of our desires than our gifts. But Paul links the two: “Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy. So it is with you. Unless you speak intelligible words with your tongue, how will anyone know what you are saying? You will just be speaking into the air. Since you are eager for gifts of the Spirit, try to excel in those that build up the church.” (Vs 1,12) The wise counsel for us is this: Since you have desire and passion for your life to be marked in a certain way, focus your greatest desires on encouraging others and building them up. Follow the way of love.


Prophecy sometimes refers to predicting future events but it also, perhaps more often, refers to seeking and speaking wisdom and godly instruction in times of uncertainty and the very real problems that perplex our lives. In this sense, prophecy speaks the truth and purpose of God for our lives. I think we would all find it beneficial to use this as our filter when listening to political candidates who are “speaking into the air” and also in the ways we engage in the lives of others close to us. Follow the way of love and seek to desire wisdom concerning the events of your life. Eagerly desire the gifts of the Spirit that God longs to bestow upon you.


It seems life is full of chaos and random disappointments that frustrate our happiness and fill us with fear. Our thoughts and actions seem driven by the insecurities and fears that threaten to overcome us. But that is not God’s design. He wants more for you and me. And he provides more for us. . . if we will just seek more of him and the spiritual gifts he longs to share.


What are these spiritual gifts? The bible describes a long list  related to prophecy (speaking God’s truth), serving others, teaching, encouraging, giving,leading, being merciful, healing, faith, and more. Unlike our natural talents and skills, spiritual gifts are given to us so we can participate with God in fulfilling his plan.


So what shall we do? Shall we continue to seek riches or fame or comfort and happiness? Of all the gifts that you might desire, have you asked God to reveal the gifts he intends specifically for you, the ones he desires you to seek and use in order to follow the way of love and build up those around you?


Seeking God’s way in this troublesome world makes sense of the chaos in our lives. It brings purpose and meaning to the mundane. It speaks peace to the turmoil we experience. It’s okay to seek gifts. Seek the higher ones that God offers you today.


For God is not a God of disorder but of peace.
1 Corinthians 14:31


The greatest thing you can do today


Do you have your to-do list made for the day? Is your calendar filled with appointments? If you’re like me, there’s probably more on the list than can possibly get done! You may be wondering how to make sure you get the most important things accomplished!


A life is made up of years and years are made up of days. Each day is made up of the moments where we live and breathe and try to discover and express our purpose in life – the one thing that is most important in everything we do. What is that one “most important” thing for you?


Maybe you have a voice that others listen to, leadership skills inspires others to follow. Maybe you seek to discover the great mysteries of life and to amass a great volume of knowledge. Maybe you’ve felt compelled to be generous in your gifts and service to benefit others.  We all seek purpose and meaning and want our lives to make a difference. But as good as all these things are, they are not the best. They may be beneficial, but if they lack love, they gain nothing. “Nothing?” you ask. “What about faith? Doesn’t faith matter?” Indeed it does. Faith is the hope that helps us endure. It is the light that shines into the depths of our darkest moments. Faith is the confidence that overcomes fears and speaks truth to doubts. Faith is the conqueror of negative thinking and worry. In fact:


The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself…through love.


What is it about love that makes the difference? Consider Paul’s words:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a


Love is the motivation that stirs us to action. It is the fuel that feeds our engine of activity. Emotions confuse us and fail us. Activity tires us. But love calls us to push on and persevere even when logic and emotions persuade us to give up. Love finds joy in the truth of life. It protects us from selfishness and self pity. It brings hope to our despair. True love, the love that God shows us, never gives up. 


Jesus summarized all the commandments by saying, love God and love others. Love is the greatest thing God did for you and me. Love is what characterizes God. Shouldn’t it be what summarizes our life too? Beyond wealth and even beyond health. Beyond hobbies and politics. Beyond accomplishment and special gifts. Love surpasses all these.


Everything else has an end and passes away but faith, hope, and love remain. I hope you’ll fill your day with these most important things, especially love. 


And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13