A Reflection on Six Months with Leukemia

Six months ago today I received an 8:00 a.m. phone call from my hematologist. His conversation opened with three words: “You have Leukemia.” I remember thinking that couldn’t be but Leukemia it was, and later revealed to be the 12th diagnosis of this particular form of Leukemia in the world, meaning we were entering unknown territory.

What followed in this unexpected journey was an adventure I would not have chosen, but also one which would reveal truths and blessings I could not have discovered on any other path. Through the various pains that come with treatment of this rare chromosomal condition, I achieved first remission of the cancer at the end of January (Four months cancer-free now!).

In March, I made the toughest decision of my life. After challenging the doctors on every front, I was finally convinced that even though I was in remission, this particular cancer was so aggressive that it would most certainly return unless I had a stem cell transplant, which required a higher dose and level of chemo drugs which would also bring about my greater challenges. And so Galatians 2:20 has become very personal to me (“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”) I had to completely kill my immune system and my DNA before I knew if the donor cells would successfully engraft in my body. While aware of the spiritual implications of a born again believer being such an imperfect host for the Spirit of Christ, I now had to face the reality of being a completely vulnerable host to my donor’s new cells. Where I had surrendered (oh so imperfectly) my identity to Jesus, I was now surrendering my DNA identity and very physical survival to this new donor process.

There are no guarantees but two months later, the process seems to be going exceptionally well. Yes, one infection can set it all back; even become an end-of-game scenario. But we sincerely believe –and are planning on – continuing the ministry God will grant us for other twenty or more years, including a delayed return to Bolivia for full-time missions.

It’s been a hard enough battle and one I would not want to repeat, though probably mild in comparison to some other’s struggles. But I have come to be thankful for the cancer that has brought me to experience the powerful truths of God’s Word. What I accepted in faith before has been tested and found to be true in very practical ways:

  • His grace IS sufficient for me.
  • His strength IS revealed in my weakness.
  • His mercy IS new every single morning.
  • His presence in me IS able to calm me even as the storm rages within me.
  • I CAN overcome the challenges of life if I am truly a new creation.

TODAY can be different. You don’t have to have a major life crisis to change your path and pursue a full and meaningful life. What challenges are you ready to turn over to God, once and for all and pursue a relationship with Him that allows you to trust Him more?

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come; The old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17

One thought on “A Reflection on Six Months with Leukemia

  1. Emily Foval

    I am so grateful to our Father for the grace he’s given us and how he’s healed you. You are a light in this world Bryan Thayer. I for one may have been lost without this mission along the way the past few months. Congrats on 6 months and many many many more I pray! Now, don’t you have some more tiling you can help with. Hahahahaha….just kidding! Take it easy man!


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