Advent – preparing for ‘x’?

Here we are in the beginning of the Advent season where we prepare for and commemorate the arrival of Jesus Christ. Fully God, yet He chose to come to earth as a fragile human baby. It reminds me of a conversation I had with God several decades ago:

God: Bryan I notice you’re getting ready for a holiday. Which is it?
Bryan: Why, it’s Xmas of course.
God: Xmas?
Bryan: Yes, you know, when Christ came to earth as a little human baby.
God: Oh you mean CHRISTmas?
Bryan: Yes, that’s what I said, xmas.
God: Bryan would it be okay if I just called you xguy?
Bryan: Huh? why would you do that?
God: Well, you know, to save time. Adding all those extra letters that represent the miracle of who you are is a real chore, you know.
Bryan: You’re being a bit sarcastic aren’t you?
God: Whatever best gets the point across to you.
Bryan: I get it. When I refer to ‘xmas’ I’m sort of taking a shortcut that depersonalizes the celebration of the real Jesus. But does writing CHRISTmas on my shopping list really make a difference? I mean, it’s not like anyone else will ever see it.
God: Does it cause you to pause a moment and think about the reason for this season of celebration and gift giving?
Bryan: Well, when you put it that way, yes.
God: Merry Christmas, Bryan!
Bryan: Merry, x…I mean Merry Christmas to you too. And God, thank you for this wonderful gift!

Maybe it’s a small thing. But how about we pledge to keep Christ in Christmas this year? In our written greetings, but more importantly, in our thoughts and heart. I’m not suggesting a worldwide campaign. I’m just wondering if we might ban “xmas” from our personal vocabulary. Certainly we have time to write five more letters in the word. Yes, I get the idea that the x might represent the cross, but that is another holiday. Let’s enjoy the advent season as one of anticipation of the arrival of Jesus Christ into our world and into our hearts. And let’s enjoy a very Merry Christmas!

“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.”
John 1:14

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