All things possible, not easy




All things are possible to him who believes. Mark 9:23



This promise verse is set in the context of Jesus being confronted by parents of a boy possessed by a demon since childhood. They plead with Jesus, “If you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.” Jesus replied, “If you can? Everything is possible to the one who believes. The father replied, “I do believe! Help my unbelief.” (Mark 9:17-24)


Can you remember a situation beyond your control when you cried out, “This is impossible! I can’t do it!” Whether the wall you’ve hit is pain, sorrow, despair, shame, or rejection, it’s easy to feel confined by it. Then we cry out, “God IF you are listening and IF you are able to fix this, help me.” I think the plea God often longs to hear is the cry of one who believes that God IS the God He says He is. The way out of impossibility is faith in the one through whom all things are possible.


Some people might tell you that with God’s grace you can handle life’s trials “with ease.”  God’s grace is an amazing undeserved gift, freely poured out to all who believe in His Son and put their faith and trust in Him. But an easy faith?   I don’t think Paul found it easy to endure many kinds of torture and suffering.  Steven received a special dispensation of God’s grace when he was stoned, but do you think he found his execution to be easy? I suspect the persecuted and martyred Christians in the middle east today don’t find that faith comes with ease. I wrestled with the experience of God’s grace during my journey with cancer. Faith made enduring pain and fear possible, not easy.


Sometimes God calms the storm around us. Sometimes He puts His arm around us in the middle of the storm and helps us steer through the storm to a safe harbor. The inconvenient truth that doesn’t sell a lot of books is that often God’s grace helps us endure what we cannot endure on our own even when there is not an imminent escape from the pain. God’s Word says that suffering and trials continue, with grace to endure and build character that leads to hope in future glory. That is a very great gift, though not always what we seek.


The good news is that God knows our fears and He is ready to speak with authority to each of them and to disarm them. Even though the temptation of fear may persist, faith has the power to disarm it, to nullify its effect and to endure with confidence that presses on and endures.   It may seem that the odds are impossible, that you cannot endure them. But you can still choose faith in the God who makes all things possible to endure.


Father – I believe. Help my unbelief.



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