Beyond “Why?”

Children ask lots of questions: “Why is the sky blue? Why is snow white but water isn’t? Why doesn’t God have a birthday?” We love to see them exploring their world and figuring how things fit together. As adults we do well to dig deeper in our life and our faith too, a trait too often neglected as we leave behind our childhood and step into the adult world.

Perhaps this neglect of exploring and problem solving is not seen more than when problems arise. The Who-What-Where-Why-When-How questions too often get stuck at Why, particularly “Why me” and “why now?” Why didn’t I get that job/that raise? Why did my transmission fail when I have other bills to pay? Why did my loved one get cancer? Why did my retirement fund lose 30%? No doubt you have several examples you could add to the list.

The ‘why’ question is helpful for determining cause and effect relationships, for understanding the mechanics of life, and for gaining mastery on how to avoid future calamities…IF those calamities are under our control. I wonder how many times the ‘why’ question is asked to fix something and how often it is asked to find someone to blame.

The bible provides a number of ‘why’ question scenarios particularly in response to suffering. Sometimes the ‘why’ is to help us discover and apply a truth in our life we wouldn’t have discovered on our normal path. Sometimes the ‘why’ is a direct consequence of our own choosing. Sometimes it is to bring us closer to God. Sometimes it is to equip us to better relate with, listen to and help others.

But at some point, aren’t we best leaving our pursuit of ‘why’ behind us and turn to the a better understanding and application of What-Where-When-Who? WHAT, Lord, do you want me to do in the middle of this mess? WHAT do you want me to learn? WHERE can I find your blessing and your grace? WHO are you calling me to be in the middle of this sorrow and pain? WHERE can I serve you and WHEN? Oh wait, I know the answer to that one: Here and now. We’re often reminded that God has good plans for your future. But do you know he has plans for you TODAY? When our plans to become missionaries in Bolivia were interrupted by cancer, we quickly realized that God had another mission field for us – in the hospital and recovering at home. Where is the mission field God has for YOU right where you are in the middle of your suffering?

I think God delights in our asking him questions of all kinds. But at some point there is more to gain by just pursuing HIM (in whatever circumstance you face) than in getting stuck on “why me?”

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