Encourage One Another

There are a number of “one another” passages in the bible that we are encouraged to carry out. One of them is “encourage one another.” I have come to realize over the years and especially this last year with cancer/Leukemia, that everyone needs encouragement. How important it is that we treat others with kindness because everyone is facing a tough battle of some kind. Even if you are a person of great faith, encouragement spurs you to press on in your pursuit of the object of that faith.

I remember when a young friend of mine was dying of cancer at Mercy Hospital 20 years ago, we took up 24 hour prayer vigils to stay in the room with him. When he was awake he said he really valued us reminding him of scripture and hymns. It was a real battle for the mind for him, between the medications and the pain, to stay sane and to remember God’s promises. I have likewise really appreciated the scriptures others have brought to my mind during this journey.

We are so thankful for those who have and continue to encourage us through our journey with Leukemia. Some came at some expense to others; others just required a caring heart. Here is just a sampling of encouraging acts:
Personal visits!
Handwritten notes of encouragement
Reminders that people are praying and people praying (being remembered is big!)
Phone calls and texts and emails to “check in”
Relaxing music CD
A preloaded iPod shuffle
Someone called and asked if they could visit…with milkshakes! Another with ice cream.
A desert, snack assortment, meal, or fresh made bread…even a potluck dinner that was fun!
iTunes gift card (music can have healing properties)
A gas/grocery card and other donations
A handmade shawl for warmth
Pet care while we were in the hospital
People helping out without us having to think of something. They just stepped forward. Someone raked our front yard; another fixed a door; another mowed our lawn all summer, another completed an electrical project for us. I want to remember when I get stronger, if leaves are falling or there is snow on my drive, it is falling on someone elses too!

How many ways can YOU think of to encourage others around you? I’d love it if you’d add a comment/reply to this blog with your ideas!

It is all part of seeing others through God’s eyes and living a life of passion and meaning! Be encouraged… YOU make a difference in others’ lives!

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

4 thoughts on “Encourage One Another

  1. George Selbher

    I would like to encourage you, to encourage everyone around you by continually pointing out the evidences of God’s grace at work in and through the lives of the very people God purposefully places before you so that they may taste and see the infectious joy that is ours as we rest in the Lord knowing that we can persevere well because Jesus – on our behalf – persevered perfectly!

  2. Dave McClurg

    Thanks so much for your thoughts on encouragement Bryan. Great ideas. Not only does an act of encouragement help the recipient, but it helps the encourager by looking beyond his own struggles. God Bless Dave


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