God will heal your heart



The size of your wounds doesn’t matter… God can restore your soul.


We had driven a thousand miles to visit with her. Over the course of a number of days we helped her unpack a lifetime of sorrows, wounds that had festered for most of a lifetime. We read together scripture affirming who she was as a new creation, of forgiveness that was freely offered. But she said wounds – and her sins – were too great…that there was no way God could love someone like her. In the end, she chose to keep her pain. Have you ever known someone like that? Or maybe there was a time you felt that way yourself?

The weight of life sometimes wears so heavily on us that we can’t see anything but our own pain and sorrow. Though we see a helping hand outstretched to us, we somehow can’t believe that hope is possible. When you are well and in a right thinking frame of mind it is ludicrous to remain in a dark place of torture when freedom is a step away. But sometimes the choice to cling to the familiar – even though it hurts – seems easier than stepping out into the sunshine and experiencing peace.

Surgeons know that before they close a wound, they have to make sure it is clear of any debris that might cause an infection. It has to be clean before it can be healed. And yet some people cling to their wounds insisting that it not be touched or cared for. Fearing further pain of having it probed, they prefer to tend to it themselves. And tend to it they do indeed, even as it festers and damages the surrounding tissue. Not properly cared for, the infection will spread until all of life is eaten up. Time will not heal all wounds, especially wounds of the heart.

Regardless of what we have convinced ourselves, no wound is too big for God. Every broken heart can be mended, if you turn it over to His healing hand.

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
Psalm 147:3

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