Prep For Stem Cell Transplant Day T-1

In a break from some of the more serious things, let me give a brief picture of hospital mundane. My day at the U of I Transplant Center starts at 12:30-1 a.m. with vitals checks, then a 4:00 a.m. blood draw to see how my blood counts are dropping. I use Glad Press and Seal to keep my arm PICC line from getting wet in the shower. Back to electric razor cuz my platelets are too low to heal cuts and bruises. Oral care is a BIG part of the routine cuz the meds cause bad sores. Staying active and too much exercise is a balance. Cardio is contraindicated because it robs the ability to make sufficient blood cells and get enough oxygen to the body.

They have me on steroids to counter some side effects of the chemo and Graft Versus Host Disease. The steroids make me weepy so I guess God thinks I need to be more sensitive to menopausal women:
BT- what’s wrong? Woman- I don’t know.
BT – why are you crying? Woman – I don’t know!
BT – I understand. Woman – why are YOU crying?
BT – It’s the steroids. Woman – I understand.
(I don’t want to be ungrateful for God’s lessons, but personally I am glad I only have another day on steroids!)

It is very busy here. The good part is that I have time to talk with nurses, housekeepers, aides etc, and opportunities for prayer are welcomed by some of them, at a meal, or chat. I am always surprised and a bit saddened when someone responds by saying no one has ever offered to pray for them before. I think it was Willy Neudahl who introduced me to praying for my waiters and waitresses. Thank you Willy!

I am negotiating early release to work with my transplant doctor. I know none of this is much in our control except that I am fighting this really hard. But someone has to beat the averages, so I’m buckin’ for that job. I told the doctor today I was pretty sure she just wanted me in the program to boost her outcome numbers cuz I am so darn healthy. She laughed out loud and while not confessing, I think we found an understanding, I like Dr Silverman. She is up front with me.

There is a lot of waiting. My donor’s cells were to be collected yesterday and I am to get them Thursday in a twenty minute procedure. Then we wait a couple of weeks for them to start to graft. I will get some shots to encourage the process. I’m thinking my friend Chuck Jackson knows a lot about grafting trees and may have some special miracle grow or Miracle Max to help the process along. Speak up Chuck. Science needs you.

Well, there’s some of the routine, sparing you the indignities. Truly we are doing well. God is VERY good to me. Marcia and I are making realistic contingency plans for the next couple months but we are spending MORE time planning how we will spend the next 25 years living out our lives together! Enjoy the life you have been given! Find the blessings in the box.

9 thoughts on “Prep For Stem Cell Transplant Day T-1

  1. Susan Ottsen

    You and Marcia are in our thoughts and prayers throughout the day. Following your blog through this journey has been very convicting…a call to stay focused on what’s truly important in this life, specifically the need to stay close to God’s heart and truly represent Christ in this world inspite of our inadequacies and trials. Thank you for keeping me focused. Thank you for your willingness to share. God bless!

  2. Jane Isebrand

    The next time I make my 5:30a.m. appearance to draw blood & hear comments about it being too early for this, I will share at the U of I it is 4:00a.m. Just saying!! I will be at our Wed pm prayer group tonight so rest assured we will be praying for you, Marcia, & your family.
    God’s strength to you,
    Jane I

    1. Go Light Your World

      Thanks Jane. I try to make vitals and blood draws a time to connect with people, build bridges, sometimes pray. I am amazed how many staff say no one has offered to pray with them before. Thank you for YOUR prayers. We appreciate and need them. God is VERY good to us in this unexpected journey.

  3. Carl & Karen

    You really are a light to the world because of the Light that is in you. Will be praying for you and Marcia for strength and endurance. God bless you both!

  4. Steve and Lois Lamansky

    I lifted you up during Joy and Concerns at Chancel Choir practice tonight. I am in awe that a young male donor chose to be on the stem cell registry and that he is your perfect match. That is a Joy. Your preparations have been intense. We pray tomorrow’s transplant will be the start of recovery for you. Tell Marcia “Hello.” She always has been a nuturing person and continues to do so. Loved the pictures of your cute grand children. I know they raised your spirits on Easter day. Love, Lois

    1. Go Light Your World

      I have been so grateful for Marcia’s unending love and support. I told her she is in the running for my favorite wife award AGAIN this year. Ha. She is a blessing to me. While we have to make short term contingency plans to address the potentially life threatening issues ahead if us, we are also planning for how we will spend our next twenty+ years together, celebrating and sharing God’s amazing love.


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