Rough Sailing

I love this painting by Danny Hahlbohm. It conveys Jesus helping a sailor get to safe harbor in the midst of a storm. It reminds me that:

Sometimes Jesus calms the storm; sometimes He calms the sailor.

My brother-in-law, Bruce Ray, is competent sailor and would probably tell me that when your sails are down you are at the mercy of the waves. That’s where we are. The storm still rages, our sails are mostly down, and yet our boat is still in the water being propelled to safe harbor by God’s gentle hand.

To us, this has been a practical demonstration of God’s power and grace. He has allowed me to complete a walking ‘marathon’ (26 miles) since being admitted, even with chemo burned feet. He has given me a good appetite despite upset GI tract and heartburn. Having experienced daily headaches all my adult life, I’ve had only four since my diagnosis. Even though my immune system is dead and I’m waiting for my donor’s immune system to kick in, I remain healthy, alert, with more energy than should be expected, and a reminder to always live “on mission.” All this speaks to how practical and true God’s Word is for every situation. Sometimes, the storm continues but the sailor is calmed.

imageHere’s a shout of thanks to the anonymous donors who made possible my transfusions of blood yesterday and platelets today!

“Then Jesus came to them and said, β€œAll authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:18-20

10 thoughts on “Rough Sailing

  1. Jane

    Bryan, this post brings to mind the lyric’s from Scott Krippayne’s powerful song “Sometimes He Calms The Storm”.

    Sometimes He calms the storm
    With a whispered peace be still
    He can settle any sea
    But it doesn’t mean He will

    Sometimes He holds us close
    And lets the wind and waves go wild
    Sometimes He calms the storm
    And other times He calms His child

    I first heard this song on the way to the airport many years ago…it was immediately tucked into my mind and heart and replayed throughout the flight. I didn’t know at the time but was so thankful that God gave me this provision, his promise, that morning because I was walking into a meeting where my employment was termed. It’s a powerful song.

    His is with you every step! Sending you and Marcia much love this morning and many prayers.
    Love you much! (and love from Mom, too!)

  2. Steve and Lois Lamansky

    A peace comes over me when reminded that Jesus is our calm in the storms of life. We wish you patience and calmness as the days pass and you await the ability of your own body to make healthy blood cells. You are looking good in the pictures. Keep trucking down those hallways!

  3. Emily

    You look awesome! I love the close up and the thumbs up! Inspiring me everyday, Bryan…every. day. Love you and keep bouncing the positive messages of the Good News.

  4. JK F

    Thanks Bryan…I love sailing…this would be awesome some day! Keep that disposition sunny amidst your storm…’rising waters lift all boats!’ I shared this today…thanks again! Best, J&J

  5. Carl & Karen

    I’m jealous on two accounts…completing a marathon (it’s on my bucket list) and a hair do that requires little to no maintenance! Glad to see you remain in good spirits even when the road seems long and rough. Our prayers continue to be with you and Marcia as you remain strong and steadfast on your journey. God bless!

    1. Go Light Your World

      Thanks Karen. The short hair is easy to care for and so far I haven’t lost hair from this round of chemo. As for the marathon, remember mine is a walking marathon over 12 days. A very slow pace! πŸ™‚


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