
This last three months of lack of appetite has worn me down. I don’t feel bad until I eat a few bites. After 3-4 hours of stomach upset I start to feel better until it’s time to eat a few more bites or a nutrition shake. Marcia is always looking for something that will settle. She bought me a Cliff Bar. It’s one of those survival energy bars packed with protein (and chocolate chips!). I thought it ironic that I just barely had the energy to open the “tear here” energy bar. 🙂

Do you ever find yourself grasping to “fix” a problem, especially when it is your broken body? Sometimes, there is no ‘fixing’ within our power. All we can do is rest (16-20 hours per day in my case). I think it helps to realize that this body is not mine to fix. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

The bible teaches us that we are primarily spiritual beings with a physical ‘tent’, not physical beings with a small spiritual component. We don’t own our bodies or have rights over them. How does realizing and accepting that truth change your view of life, especially suffering? Romans 12:1-2 pleads with us to offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God. THEN we will understand His perfect will.

Offering money, time reading the bible, doing good…these are all fine. But it is when we offer our bodies, our very life to God that we start to engage in spiritual worship.

One thought on “Strength

  1. Kathi

    So good to hear from you again Bryan! We pray God will continue to strengthen you. Good words to live by today! Thank you for sharing,


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