Tag Archives: 2 John 1

Holding onto the truth


Continuing in our discussion of truth, we turn to 2 John 1. The author is writing to “the lady chosen by God and to her children.” Evidently, she was a woman of means who frequently supported Christians who came to her house. The focus is on keeping hold of the truth which will live with us forever and to guard against supporting those who pervert the truth. What a relevant topic for us in our culture!


Keeping hold of the truth and not being taken by a lie is a constant theme throughout scriptures. In the Old Testament, God often reminded his people, “Remember!” Remember the Lord your God. Remember the reason we’re on this earth and prioritize our activities accordingly so we don’t get sidetracked and led astray. Remember the truth.


Where do we find the truth? Some seek education or science or philosophy. Some look to their heart to reveal truth. The Bible consistently warns against these purveyors of “truth,” and reminds us “the heart is deceitful above all things. Who can trust it?” We’re also warned against those who call themselves Christian but choose to twist God’s Word to their advantage. In all things, look to who gets the glory. I find this an especially helpful consideration when evaluating what ministries to support.


When Marcia and I mentored at the prison, we told the men: “If what we say ever disagrees with God’s Word, always go with God’s Word.” Straying from the truth isn’t always intentional. Sometimes we stray off the path of truth by not paying attention to the road. It’s like falling asleep at the wheel on a cross country trip and driving ourselves into a ditch. It’s not enough to know the truth. We have to stay awake and guard against believing lies.

We’re reminded in this letter that holding onto truth means loving and caring for one another should be amongst our top priorities. Obeying his commands becomes a joy rather than a duty when we hold onto the truth because we know it honors God and guards our own lives. Holding to the truth means keeping our lives pure from corruptive influence. Our choices about seemingly little things like movies, magazines, curious internet searches, gossip, a critical or judging spirit all affect how we hold onto truth. How do you hold on to the truth? Is reading and meditating on scripture your daily focus or more of an afterthought? Is the consideration of other’s needs a primary focus of your life or something regarded as “when there’s time?”


And what active strategies do you use to guard against lies? Whether it Madison Avenue marketing schemes, political themes, or establishing our daily and lifetime goals, it’s always in our best interest to seek the truth and guard against lies. Like detecting a counterfeit bill, holding the alleged truth up against the original truth is a good way to guard against believing the counterfeit to be true.

I hope holding onto the truth and guarding against lies that steal your joy and take you captive are top priorities in your life. Choose the freedom found in holding onto the truth today.