Tag Archives: accept one another

Seeing others differently (and med update)

I recently saw this quote on the Compassion International website:

“Treat a child as though he is already the person he is capable of being.” ~ Haim Ginott

Actually, isn’t that good advice for all our interactions? Especially those who are paralyzed by fear or worry, addictions and hangups… those who have yet to discover the fullness of God’s best for them. Maybe even ourselves when we fall prey to the battle for our minds!

Believing in the potential of others is a way to see others with the loving eyes through which God sees them. In his book, Revolution In World Missions, YP Yohannon describes a young missionary in India who was severely beaten and tossed outside the city because he told others about Jesus. He turned his eyes to heaven and asked God to increase his love for the people of this town so that he could return to share God’s love with them. He said, “It was as if God removed my eyes from their sockets and gave me instead the eyes of Jesus so I could see others through HIS eyes.”

I recall the story of the Christian woman who worked in a pool of secretaries. One of the other secretaries was always emailing off-color jokes and gossiping. Several times, the Christian felt like giving the other woman a piece of her mind and telling her to stop emailing her. But a quiet inner voice told her to remain quiet and “only speak love”. Some time later, the offensive woman approached the woman and asked if she could confide in her about a problem. She said all the others were so judgmental but she felt she could trust “the quiet Christian.”

What would happen if we intentionally applied this principle in our interactions with those who regularly rub us the wrong way, those who are always complaining, those to whom we are not naturally attracted? What if we asked God to help us see others (and ourselves) differently and believed in God’s power to speak through caring words and actions that quietly encourage others to seek God’s best for them? I believe it makes more of a difference than we might ever imagine!

I wonder who is in your path today that needs someone to see them through God’s loving eyes?

“Accept one another just as Christ accepted you.” Romans 15:7
PS- Medical update: Today marks 6 months post stem cell transplant! Recent tests confirms cancer remains in remission (Since January). Appetite returned with steroid treatment and I am OFF the Failure To Thrive diagnosis. I REALLY am enjoying getting out to enjoy God’s creation! God is good ALL the time. – BT