Tag Archives: Be gentle with others

Things pets teach us

Is it just me or have you also noted how God seems to have created animals with a special ability to display His splendor and grace, especially in relationship with us humans? The YouTube video “Proof That a Lion Never Forgets” and “The Friendly Lion” are two short but quite touching accounts of reunions of lions with their rescuers years later, well worth a short view.

I have always been impressed with the way God created dogs and cats to display at least what appears to us as unconditional love and acceptance, forgiveness and appreciation. Have you seen the video of the dog going absolutely bonkers in adoring the return of his master from the war? Wow, that we should be so overjoyed at the thought of spending time with our Master!

Additionally, I’ve noticed that pets have often dealt with pain and sorrow with a more ready acceptance of the facts than I might typically muster. Of course, I don’t know really what goes on in their hearts and minds, but it always seemed to me that God gave Teako, Felix, Ulysses and our other pets the grace to carry on, and seemingly with a certain resolution and contentedness even when hurt. Have you noticed that with your animals?

He gives that same ability to us, and much more, but it seems that maybe we struggle more with the process. I know I have in this past nine months. But, as you know, He is good to never leave us, even if we FEEL He might have. His faithfulness and promise of lasting hope for the future and power to over come now is exceedingly real and personally offered to us. Honestly, some days we have done better than others at acknowledging and accepting this. But the free offer is always there.

And if God was so gracious to display His extraordinary love and kindness and gentleness in the heart of a beloved pet or a wild lion, imagine His desire to fill you today with His same gentle love.

“Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone.” Titus 3:1-2