Tag Archives: believing lies

Swapping lies for Truth

Ha. Can you associate with this picture of a guy who is proud to consume a diet coke so he can have a piece of regular cake? It’s an illustration of how we rationalize one way of thinking or behaving by another. It all comes down to choice, doesn’t it? We choose one thing to justify another.

We choose to spend money rather than spending time.
We choose apathy over action and action over adoration.
We choose temporary trinkets when we could have eternal treasures.
We treasure possessions more than people.

I choose to eat poorly when I feel down, because “I deserve it.” I don’t exercise because I “need to relax.” I skim through bible passages because “I already know what it says.”

The list goes on. And we have ‘rational’ reasons for each choice we make. But so often our ‘rationality’ is a cover up of a lie.

What other examples would you add to the list of ways we swap the truth for a lie? TODAY is a great time to turn the swap around. NOW is the perfect time to put down the lie and pick up the Truth. The way to put that in practice as a regular habit is to spend time in God’s Word. When a lie presents itself in life, God’s Word will reveal it for what it is compared with the real Truth.

“How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:9,11