Tag Archives: Beyond a happy thought and good wishes

Having a happy thought


Last week, when I was finished with a rather arduous medical test, the kind young woman who assisted me said goodbye. Just as she turned to leave she added, “I’m going to have a happy thought for you.” It was a kind gesture meant to console me. But it caused me to wonder where she puts her trust when life’s storms come her way. Who does she thank when all is well? Where will she turn when life comes to an end? What sort of refuge does a “happy thought” provide? And it brought me to reflect on a theme that has been so prevalent during these last 3+ years:


“I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:2


I remember Marcia writing this verse on a note card and taping it to my hospital bed to help calm me in a time of great difficulty and distress. With her encouragement, I repeatedly and slowly prayed the first part of the verse silently as I breathed in and the second part as I slowly exhaled. When there was no strength to pray anything else, I turned to my refuge, my fortress, my God in whom I trust. I’m sure most of you do too.


Where else could we turn? I’ve been healthy most all my life, but a sudden diagnosis of cancer reminded me I can’t turn to my health. I used to be able to run up and down stairs and carry heavy objects, but the weakness of Leukemia shows me I can’t depend on my strength. Should we depend on our job or career, our ability to think clearly, our communication skills, or other attributes that lead to our sense of “success?” A sudden stroke or other event could end that in a moment. I’m thankful to have a loving and devoted family and friends who step up when I need help. But many lack this and there are limits to what even family and friends can provide.


It may seem hopeless when we think of the inevitability of life’s disappointments and challenges that come our way. But we are not left to happy thoughts, good wishes, karma, or good vibrations to comfort and strengthen us.


We may be tempted to think even our faith is not a strong enough foundation. Indeed, at times our faith may seem like a very weak fortress that offers little refuge from the pressures that bear upon us. But the object of our faith, Jesus, is never weak. He alone is our formidable fortress and refuge. He hears our cries and protects our soul and spirit from despair. His Spirit speaks truth to our doubts and peace to our fears. In him we find strength in our weakness and rest for our weary souls.


Right now where you are, you can turn to the one refuge and fortress that fully guards your heart and mind, your God in whom you can trust. Run to him or simply fall into his loving arms and find the peace you seek.