Tag Archives: don’t hide your light under a bushel basket

Beyond labels

And now for something completely different:

We are called to be the light of the world, to shine this light wherever we go, and not put it under a bushel basket. So in consideration of the below op-ed, I wonder if our tendency to put labels on people is a type of “bushel basket” that hides our light. Why do we need to put each other in a box that labels us by skin color, political persuasion, 1%, or other delimiter? (For the record, if a label is needed, I am more ‘beige’ than ‘white.’)

Are we not all broken people in need of a loving and forgiving God? I agree with @ByronThomas: people are people; Let’s overwhelm each other with love.

@ByronThomas7 says:
“This goes out to professors across this country. My name is Byron Thomas and I attend the University of South Carolina. It really frustrates me when y’all use the words African American, to describe blacks in America. The word African American makes me feel like I’m not 100% American. It makes me feel like I was born somewhere in Africa and came over here and got my citizenship. But I was born an American and I will die an American because that’s what I am. Why can’t I be like whites in America and just be an American? I see myself just like them because they’re an American citizen and I’m an American citizen. The world views us all as Americans. That 17 trillion in counting debt is an American debt. We are One Nation Under God! So please professors, can y’all stop using the words African American to describe blacks in America. Overwhelm People with Love and May God Bless the United States of America.”