Tag Archives: Don’t leave Jesus in the manger

Don’t leave Jesus in the manger


Christmas is over. The decorations are being packed away, the nativity set carefully wrapped and put back in its box. But wait.


Before you close the lid, ask yourself, “What will I do with baby Jesus?” As we’ve pondered the wonder of God sending His Son to appear as a baby this season, let’s also hold in our heart the truth that this baby grew up!


The Christmas story is more than a sweet lullaby. It is a rescue mission from heaven to free the slaves and those taken hostage by the trappings of this world. Instead of military swat teams, God uses His transcending peace to change hearts and transform lives, to set the captives free.


Don’t leave Jesus in the manger.

Let him grow up in your heart.

Follow Him to the cross and beyond the grave.
Wait for Him in the sorrows of your life.

Experience the power of His resurrection in your life.

Rejoice in this truth: He chose you before you chose Him.

He isn’t just the reason for the season. Let Him be the reason for your life.


Embrace the baby, love The Lord.