Tag Archives: Finding time with God

Putting God On Hold

Author Sarah Young observes that, “Most people put God on hold. The longer they do this the less likely they will find time to do so later. They have bought into the myth that more activity is better. The world will continue spinning if we put it on hold and make quiet time with God a priority.”

Do you think this is true? Do you think it true not only for “the world” but also the church, that is believers? I look out my window and see dozens of hibiscus growing, and I know they don’t toil or worry. But then I think, “They don’t have a mortgage or other demands we have.” The truth is, it is easy to get distracted and tempting to put important things on hold while we deal with necessary activities of life.

However, we can, without much difficulty, train ourselves to find quiet moments with God throughout the day: just before or after we get out of bed, before each meal, before we transition from one task or appointment to another, at the end of the day.

But the task before us isn’t just to find more time for God. Our quiet times with God allow us to find God IN the things that necessarily grab our attention. Then we discover a life worth living!