Tag Archives: He who began a good work

Not finished yet

Have you ever felt like you’ve reached a dead-end on the path you felt called to follow? Like you started this journey with God, but now you’re looking around trying to figure out his plan for your next steps? You know he has a purpose for you but just now, it seems like it’s been side-lined?

God is never rushed. And even when it seems he is silent, he is actively working out his plan. Sometimes this involves orchestrating circumstances that must come together. Sometimes it involves other people who have not yet submitted their will to him or to the situation. Almost always it seems, he is waiting for our hearts to yield more fully to his, for us to listen for and respond to his voice.

God promises, “I have loved you with an everlasting love. I have drawn you with loving kindness.” (Jeremiah 31:3) This is not the voice of one who calls you down a path only to abandon you! “He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6) I think about how he purposefully sought each of us out before we were seeking him. He sought us, he found us, he began a work that he will complete in us, as we wait in faith, trusting him to complete his work.

Rest in the satisfaction of knowing you have not been abandoned; you are not alone. The rest of the plan may be different than you expected, and it may take longer than you wanted to work it out. But God’s plan is a good plan. Don’t fret about the timing.
Instead, rest and enjoy his presence as you wait faithfully.