Tag Archives: HIS appointment

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Bolivia

You know the experience… you plan and work toward a goal, and just when you think you are close, life throws you a curve ball and changes the plan. In our case, we were following the call we received to pursue full-time ministry in Bolivia, when a week ago Bryan (who never gets sick) was unexpectedly diagnosed with a rare form of Leukemia.

Disappointment or HIS Appointment? One letter makes all the difference in the world! We are of course heart-broken at what we believe is a delay in God’s call to Bolivia. But almost immediately we understood that had we pushed this door open more quickly than we should, we could have been in a third world country without the ability to quickly diagnose or treat this condition. Disappointment was replaced with HIS appointment …God’s plan to protect and provide for His children.

God has also reminded us that EACH of us has a mission field right where we live. We have always stated this on our Go Light Your World website, but now it has become a reality. What does it mean to shine light into the darkness of others’ lives right where we live…to bring hope and encouragement where it is desperately needed every day?

These posts will reflect our journey. We invite you to add your thoughts so we can learn from each other.

Bryan and Marcia Thayer