Tag Archives: how much does my life look like the world

Set apart – for a mission


What does ‘set apart’ mean to you?


Among other things, the word ‘different’ probably comes to mind. We aren’t to be Christian in name only. Rather than striving to “fit in”, we are called to be set apart from the world even while we are in it for a purpose.


The question for each us (me too) is “How much does my life look like the world? Does my life look more like the world or the Word?” Do I think about money, getting ahead, being fit, success, time off, sports or other hobbies so much that it really defines who I am more than being a follower of Jesus? We are what we think about, how we respond to life, and what we associate with. (See Proverbs 23:7)


Pastor Cory Stout gave a good message recently on being ‘set apart’ for God as being different in order to make a difference for God. More than just something good we should do, it is God’s calling on those who call themselves Christian for real, not just in name only. To be set apart from, not conformed to, the ways of the world is the true identity of followers of Christ. Jesus said we are the light of the world, not the darkness. Cory shared that responding to God’s call upon our lives should make a difference in:

  • What we consume and what consumes us
    • Not just our diet but those thoughts, attitudes, actions, and even ambitions that consume the way we approach life. Where we spend most of our time, thought, money, and action defines who or what we worship.


  • Our appearance
    • Not just what we wear, but our character, our countenance, and attitude…the way we respond to frustrations and disappointments.


  • Our associations
    • Paul writes that we are ‘new creations’, which means we are dead to that which doesn’t bring life. As such, we shouldn’t associate ourselves with ‘dead’ ways of thinking and responding to our circumstances. A caterpillar no longer crawls along the ground as it used to. It abandons the cocoon and now associates its new life with the freedom of flying. Why should we bind ourselves by those dark things that rob us of love, peace, and joy? What ‘dead’ things do you need to abandon?


Probably, we can easily think of ways we think others should change, but the question is really just for us to answer personally. Ask God today, In what way are You calling ME to be different in order to make a difference? What consumes me that I need to let go? What is one thing I need to change about how I appear to others? What associations do I need to sever in order to behave as one who was created to make a difference?


Be different in order to make a difference. Set apart from the ways of the world, live ‘on mission.’