Tag Archives: Hug and make eace in the name of God

An Odd Conversation With God

Leonard Pitts Jr. is a writer for the Miami Herald. Recently, he wrote an article entitled “A conversation with the ‘universal spirit.'” In it he relays a conversation he had with God while they were standing in line to watch Monsters University. Leonard expressed his dismay over a recent “religious” study conducted last year that reported that 12% of people who don’t believe in God, nevertheless pray, and that some of them pray to a “universal spirit.” God seemed unmoved by the concern. Moving forward in the line, Leonard complained how hypocritical it was for atheists to meet together in ‘godless congregations’ to meditate and reflect. “And this annoys you?” replied God, waving at a little child in line with them. Leonard replied, “I’m just saying if you believe, believe. If you don’t, then don’t. Make up your mind.” God replies, “You think it’s that simple? It’s not. Faith and doubt do not oppose each other. They define each other, like light and shadow.”

“Here’s the thing,” God said as they got their tickets and approached the snack counter. “I designed you to seek me, to feel a need for me. Leonard ask, “But what if they don’t find you?” God replies that finding is crucial but so is seeking and reminds Leonard of the crazy things some Christians do in his name. He added, “I wish more often people would hug in the name of God, heal in the name of God, make peace in the name of God. I would like that very much.”

BT: The bible is clear in showing that God accepts us where we are. No one comes to God with a clean act. It was while we were still sinners that Christ died for us, each one. So let’s be patient with each other and encourage those around us to keep seeking. Let us bear truth and grace, the Light of the World, reminding our selves that ultimately, any decisions are between an individual and the Spirit of God who draws them to Him. And let’s hug and make peace in His name.