Tag Archives: Joshua

Fresh squeezed



One of the small joys of summer is Marci’s home-made, fresh squeezed lemonade. It’s a hit around here and knowing it was lovingly made seems to add to the flavor.


Our family is big on another type of fresh squeeze; hugs of course. Hugs on seeing each other and hugs when leaving. My mom considers herself a bit of a hug therapist and reckons each of us needs 2 hugs a day just to stay healthy, more to grow happy. 🙂


But not all squeezing is welcomed. There’s the financial squeeze, the temperamental squeeze, the relational squeeze, the health squeeze, and so many other life squeezes. In fact there it seems we find ourselves frequently squeezed by the undesired circumstances in life. A flat tire in the rain, a hurtful word come our way, daily pain and disappointment, too much work, or no work at all. Every day we find ourselves squeezed in some way. The pressures brought on by leukemia squeezed both of us quite a bit. The loss of a loved one, or the stress caused by conflict also squeezes us.


The important question is, how do we respond when we are squeezed? When you squeeze a fruit, the juice of the fruit comes out. But when we are squeezed, what escapes might not be so sweet. What comes out when you are squeezed? Do even the small disruptions and disappointment bring out anger, disgust, fear, doubt, perhaps even vengeance? Or are you learning to respond with a degree of patience, knowing that this circumstance does not control you, that this too shall pass?


The late Steven Covey said one thing that separates man from other animals is the ability to create a reflective gap between a stimulus that provokes us and our reaction to it. In this gap we can train and discipline ourselves to turn to God for His direction. Imagine how things might have been different when Adam was squeezed by the temptation of eating from the forbidden tree, if he would have created a gap and asked his daddy for His advice. Our God-given ability to create a gap when we are squeezed allows us to take a breath, consult the Holy Spirit for His counsel and to choose to follow His nature in us.


Ugliness is a choice and so is beauty. The lack of planning how we will respond when squeezed is a plan to choose poorly under pressure. Better to choose and discipline yourself NOW regarding how you will react when squeezed. Joshua said, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Can you see how deciding ahead of time helped him to choose well when he was squeezed? The same gift is yours. You don’t have to be a squeeze victim. Choose now to let God’s sweetness come out when you are squeezed.



Stepping out in faith

There are two stories in the old testament about water parting so God’s people could walk through to the other side. The most familiar is the account of the parting of the Red Sea that allowed Moses and all the Israelites to escape the armies of Pharaoh.

The other, less remembered story, is that of Joshua and the entire nation of Israel who crossed the Jordan River on their way fight the battle at Jericho as told in Joshua chapter three and four. The interesting thing about this account is that Joshua told the people the day before to watch for God to do a miraculous thing the next day. And that next day he instructed the priests carrying the ark of the covenant to step into the water and the water would part. I imagine it would be stunning enough to watch the waters part and the river bottom dry up instantly. But to step out into the water before that happened… What faith is required for that?! I think I would have run across as fast as I can, but they took time to take twelve large stones from the middle of the river bed and carry them to their new camp where they made a stone memorial to commemorate God’s miraculous provision.

I don’t know about you but I have never witnessed such a manifest miracle. Though I believe that God could perform such a feat even today. Truly, perhaps an even greater miracle is that he loved us so much that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us! And that he could take the selfish heart of man and transform it to a heart that loves God and others.

It seems a common story, God taking ordinary people and using them in extraordinary ways, that begin with a step of faith. In what situation in your life is calling you to step out in faith? In what ways do you find it difficult to trust him completely? Perhaps you are afraid to apologize to someone. Do it anyway. Maybe you find fear and worry about the future are paralyzing you. Let it go. The idea that we control the future is an illusion. Put worry down and pick up peace instead. Maybe you feel called to step out and serve others in a new way, teaching, encouraging, visiting others. Do it if that is what God is telling you. I have never found that putting off what God tells us to be a good plan. Usually calamity results. (One day you can ask Jonah about that.)

Ask God what he desires of you. Grow your faith by stepping out in it.