Tag Archives: Kill steal and destroy

Victory over temptation


Temptation. It comes knocking at everyone’s door. We all have experienced the defeat of giving in when we should have stood firm. While it’s not a sin to be tempted, we shouldn’t give it a foothold. If we willfully allow “even a hint” of sin in our lives, it will take up a stronghold and whip us into its submission. We think we can control it but we can’t. Sin is a train that takes us farther down the track than we want to go and charges us more than we want to pay. We are what we obey. We can blame others for our shortcomings, but it is our own selfish desires that drag us away from the truth, love, and joy in our life…from God. Against God’s warnings, we love everything the world has to offer: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. 1 Jn 2:15-16 It seems all of our sins fall into one of these categories. Temptation follows us all our lives, but it’s not a hopeless battle.


There’s good news!


“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. God is faithful. He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13


God has provided a way out of temptation. Jesus (The Way, The Truth, and The Life) is our way out. Why is Jesus able to help you? Because he faced temptation and was victorious over it. And he refused to give in to temptation the very way you and I are advised to do: using the Word of God.
Luke 4 describes the account.


Jesus was led into the wilderness by the Spirit where he prayed and fasted. The devil tried to tempt Jesus by appealing to his fleshly appetite, power and authority, and immortality. Jesus could have debated with the devil. He could have proclaimed that he already has all power and authority. But he simply replied with the Word of God. And so the devil fled. And he will do the same if we respond like Jesus.


What lessons can we draw from this account?


1. Be prepared. Expect it. What you’re facing is no different than others. Every-single-day is a battle. Put on the armor of God.


2. Know your enemy, the liar, the deceiver, the counterfeiter. He is the thief who comes to kill, steal, and destroy your joy and power.


3. Take up your sword. The battle is fought by God’s Word, “the Sword of the Spirit.” A sword is most skillfully used by a trained swordsman. Learn to defend yourself against attacks by studying God’s Word.


4. Look for the way out, Jesus. Set boundaries to purposefully keep temptation at a distance. Decide ahead of time that you are going to serve God at all costs, that you are His, and will act like his child, no turning back. Temptation passes and weakens with time and training. Train your mind and heart to follow God. A piece of God will not suffice. Let God alone be your focus.


Some days will be tougher than others. If you’re tired of having your joy stolen and destroyed, don’t give up. If you fall, repent and draw close to him. He will lift you up and make you victorious.