Tag Archives: Malachi 3:3

Preparing the way


“Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.” Luke 3:4


When you read the passage in Luke 3, it’s tempting to think it’s all about John “The Baptist.” Indeed, the quote from Isaiah 40:3-5 is a prophesy about John’s ministry.


When the Word of God came to John he chose to obey God and dedicated his life to preparing the way for Jesus, even unto his death. But the message is for you and me too. When the Word of God comes to us, we have to choose to either accept it or reject it. Any “middle ground” is the same as rejecting it and will face an unquenchable destroying fire. Accepting God’s Word demands a response and daily submission to the Holy Spirit who brings us through a refining fire (Malachi 3:3) that purifies us and prepares the way to produce “good fruit.”


We spend much of our life preparing for careers, house purchases, vacations, and more. But our real call is to prepare the way for Jesus to have his way in our life and to prepare a path for others to meet him.


Some think that you confess your sins, repent, ask Jesus to save you and all is good; “been there, did that.” But the gospel speaks of genuine repentance as an ever renewing process that brings peace, understanding, and power for victorious and purposeful living. Repentance is our daily path toward preparing a place for Jesus to govern our lives. It humbles our heart and prepares a path for him to make his home in us. We are quick to pray for healing, but James says, first repent of your sin. It is a pure and clean heart that prepares the way for the Lord’s power in our lives.


Luke uses the illustration of two trees, one that flourishes and produces good fruit “in keeping with repentance.” The other that either produces bad fruit or no fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. That’s what happens to all the “fruit” of our self efforts, committed without the power of the Holy Spirit.


In the midst of everything that you are preparing for, wouldn’t it be a good idea to take time right now to quiet your heart? Prepare the way for Jesus to strengthen you and guide you according to his good plan for your life.