Tag Archives: marked by God’s light

Wise men still seek him



A young southern child was visiting his northern relatives one Christmas. Looking at their nativity display, he told them that the wise men were firemen. “Why would you think that?” his northern relatives asked. “Because it says in the bible that they came from a far!” he replied. (‘Fire’ sounds a lot like ‘far’ in his region of the country.)


We probably have a lot of misunderstandings about these visitors bearing famous gifts. We don’t know for sure where they came from, who they were, or even how many came to set eyes on the child of God. Traditionally, we include figures representing three wise men in the nativity scene along with the manger, Mary, Joseph, the baby Jesus and all the rest. But most likely, they arrived much later, maybe even a couple of years later.


What we do know for sure is that they purposefully and intentionally sought after Jesus. And wise men still seek Him. Do you?


Wise men (and women) follow Him whatever the cost.


Their lives are marked by His light that shines in their lives.


They are compelled to focus their journey on discovering Him.


Despite their status, they bow before Him and exalt Him.


More than anything else, their lives are measured by faithfulness and praise.


The gift of Christmas wisdom allows wise men to still seek Jesus, not just the sweet little baby, but The Lord of Lords, King of Kings, the Prince of peace.


Wise men still seek Him. Will you?