Tag Archives: Matching desires and actions

When it is NOT good to share

We recently had all the grandchildren here to pick apples. Afterward, they had fun playing with the toys we keep for them here. As expected, a certain toy would go unnoticed until one grandchild picked it up. Then, another child would suddenly realize that particular toy was JUST what they needed to play with at the time. And thus began another lesson on sharing.

As adults, the Bible reminds us also to consider the needs of others and share our blessings; we are after all, blessed in order to bless. We are called not only to share in physical tangible ways, but also in the time, energy, focus, and priority we place on others. And it’s a calling that ends up blessing US in return!

But there is another kind of sharing that actually bears disastrous results for us. And that is sharing our affections for God with other entities (“idols”). Loving God a little but loving other things more is one form of worshiping idols. God warns us that we should have only one God and not bow down to other ‘gods.’ Jesus summarizes everything we need to do by calling us to love God with ALL our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love others as He loves us. Our loving gracious God is also a Holy and just God. His wonderful plan for us is not to participate in some kind of time-share. He wants us to have ALL of Him, and we need Him to have ALL of us.

Imagine newly weds gazing into each other’s eyes, repeating words of commitment and devotion to each other, saying, “I will always and forever love only you. There will never be another who claims my affection or attention…except maybe football, or my career ambitions, or when I want to watch certain movies that dishonor you, or I have to have my own way, or I want to complain about you to others, or if I feel unloved, or …” (the list goes on.) Our desires and our actions must match our words if we are to bring honor to each other.

It is the same way with our relationship with God. We can’t simply bring words of praise on Sundays and then allow other ‘competitors’ to spoil our daily relationship with Him. If we want all his blessing we need to bring Him a heart that is satisfied with him more than anything else. There we find, and give, honor that is due, and honor that brings mutual joy.

Sharing blessings and truth and grace is good, but not letting other desires compete with our love for God. What other ‘gods’ need disowning in your life? Today is a great day to tell God about them and ask to help you remove them.

“I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols.” Isaiah 42:8