Tag Archives: Morning devotions in the evening

Can You Sleep Through A Storm?

Mark tells a brief, lively story of men who were tossed about in a boat by a violent storm. They woke up Jesus who was sleeping through it all. Awakened by their pleas, Jesus spoke and the storm was instantly calmed. His question to them is a challenge to each of us:
“Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” Mark 4:40

We visited the University of Iowa hospital today regarding bone marrow transplants and other options for my Leukemia. It confirmed many assumptions, answered many questions, and raised more. We are not afraid – God has seen to that. But all the numbers and statistics and prognostics raise more questions, until one has to just stop the craziness and ask God, “What do YOU want?”

It isn’t easy for an evidence based analyst like me to turn my attention from “the facts.” But in the midst of any problem, we have to evaluate whether the facts are actually valid or if there are other perspectives to challenge them. Faith is believing and living what is true even when the “facts” don’t add up.

Sarah Young wrote a marvelous daily devotional called “Jesus Calling.” (Thank you Connie for this gift.) I would recommend it to anyone, whether you believe in God or not. (I say this, though I think she might have written the book specifically to Marcia and me. :-))

We usually share our devotions at the beginning of the day. Foolishly, with today’s travel and appointments and follow-up discussions, it was delayed until late this evening. (Am I the only one who sometimes makes this mistake?) Today’s message says:

“Slow down and cling tightly to my hand. I am teaching you a difficult lesson, learned only by hardship. When your focus turns away from me, you grasp at other things. You drop the glowing gift when you reach for lifeless ashes. Return to me; regain my presence.”

A few minutes before reading this I had written these words in my journal: “FROM ASHES TO BEAUTY!”

Are there certain “facts” that are making you weary or beliefs you need to surrender today? Perhaps it is time to believe in a new direction…and to let God guide you through the uncertain future. Who knows? You may find a way to sleep through life’s storms.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
Matthew 11:28-29