Tag Archives: philippians 3:10

One desire


Jim Caviezel played the role of Jesus in the movie The Passion of the Christ. It was a tough movie to watch because it so vividly portrayed the degree of pain and anguish Jesus endured for our behalf. It was a tough movie to make too. Caviezel recalls that during the filming, something went wrong in the flogging screen. The whip with metal ends was supposed to hit a pole hidden behind him but instead ripped into his back, requiring 14 stitches to repair the wound. Twice he dislocated his shoulder, once while carrying the cross and once when hanging on the cross and they dropped the cross into the hole. At the end of the filming while on the cross he said he was struck   by lightning. At one point he told God that if he was going to die in this role it would be his honor to do so.


Such is is the power of drawing close to Jesus. Paul wrote:

“I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.” – Philippians 3:10


We all like the good times, but sometimes lack commitment when the tough times come. We all want to know the Jesus’ resurrection power in our lives, the same power that transforms us to live victorious lives. But how many want to participate in his sufferings, to be like him in his death? Caviezel observes, “Everyone wants resurrection. Few want suffering.” We all love Palm Sunday, waving palm branches and singing “Hosanna in the highest!” But we shy away from the night he was betrayed, his torture, and his agonizing execution on the cross.


A life of commitment, be it to your spouse, your unconditional love to your children, or your relationship with God – this life of commitment goes way beyond the fun times when all is well. The real test of commitment is when things go very bad.


Commitment is what you dedicate your life to. Caviezel says:

“I want to give my life for something. What better than to give my life to the one who gave his life for me?!”


Commitment is being ALL in. It’s like the baseball player running toward home plate and sliding into base giving everything he had, leaving nothing left over. One of my hospital aides talked about her husband who was “all in” for Hawkeye football. Whenever it’s game time, he has all his Hawkeye paraphenalia surrounding him, his Hawkeye attire, and the rituals he has set up. I wonder how life would change if we were as excited about our relationship with God as that man is about his team.


Ed Mc Cully was martyred in a river in Ecuador while trying to bring the gospel to the Huaorani people. He said,

“I have one desire now – to live a life of reckless abandon for the Lord, putting all my energy into it.”


He wasn’t speaking of being a reckless daredevil performing life endangering stunts. Rather, he spoke to prioritizing his time, energy, money, and ambitions. We can pour all these things into our hobby or lavish vacations or a stellar home. But in the end they all disappear. Only what’s invested for the Lord lasts for all time. McCully’s fellow missionary who was also martyred that dark day said,

“He is no fool who gives what he can’t keep to gain what he cannot lose.”       – Jim Elliott

What about you? As you consider the span of your life and eternity that follows, what’s the one great cause that you want to invest in with “reckless abandon?”