Tag Archives: Prayers release God’s power

Update Thursday

Thanks for all the prayers – they ARE working to release God’s healing power! After 36 hours of chills, shakes, and spiked 103 degree fever, we are currently in a welcomed quiet lull, a respite from the constant
struggle. They found the source of one of the infections and are treating that specifically. We await lab reports on another possible source. The doctor says the fever and chills could last for days because the White Blood Count is almost entirely wiped out (0.1). It will be 3-4 days before those fighter cells regroup and multiply.
We again request no visitors today.

We are thankful for the encourgagement years ago to memorize scripture so that it would be available in time of need. One of the verses that instantly brought calm to an incident of shakes in the middle of the night was Isaiah 26:3:

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”

Be blessed trusting in the Lord for all your cares. Be steadfast in your love.