Tag Archives: Psalm 107:21-22

What gift would you bring first?



Imagine I came to visit you first thing in the morning and as soon as I arrive I present you with a list of demands for the day. How would you respond to such an ungrateful guest? I would not blame you for considering me quite rude, selfish, and inconsiderate.


But what gift do we typically bring to our gracious God as we rise each day? Our great plans for the day? Or maybe a list of to-do’s for Him to work on while we tackle our own agenda? What about asking Him for wisdom, courage and strength? That would be a good one, but one thing even better or at least first is this:


Bring the sacrifice of thanksgiving and praise. 


‘Thank you for greeting me this morning, Lord. Thank you for allowing me to come into your presence. Thank you for who you are – your unfailing love, your mercy, your wisdom, your power. (How many more attributes can you list?) Thank you for how you have been patient with me and how you have protected me.’


It’s fine to ask God for His watch care and blessing on others and to bring your own personal requests to Him. He invites you! But first, bring the sacrifice of thanksgiving and linger on that topic for a while. Be silent before Him and ponder His greatness.


More than your efforts to do good, more than your money, more than nearly everything else you can imagine, the Creator of the universe desires to spend time with you and your thankful heart, Just like you like to spend time with thankful people. We shouldn’t be surprised. He made us in His own image.  Begin the day with thanks and you may find the rest of the day follows that pattern.

Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love
    and his wonderful deeds for mankind.
Let them sacrifice thank offerings
    and tell of his works with songs of joy.” Psalm 107:21-22