Tag Archives: rejoice in the Lord

Mr. Fix-it


The bible never says, “Figure it out.” But it always says, “Trust God.” He is the one who has already figured it out.


It’s been often noted that men are not usually as quickly inclined to empathy and understanding as women generally are. We men tend to like to (try to) solve problems.  We take pride in being “Mr. Fix-It.” No doubt that if we were to seek to improve our sensitivity to understanding, that our problem solving would improve! There’s nothing wrong with seeking solutions to problems. But, as author Sarah Young observes, it can be so addicting! It’s as if we are so inclined to try to solve problems in our own thinking first (“Let ME do it”), and then when we’ve messed up, to ask God to rescue us. And besides, some problems do not lend themselves to a “Mr. Fix-it” approach. Whether it is our own pride or that we forget about God’s presence that keeps us inclined to do things on our own, we are better of course to go to God FIRST and seek His counsel and help.


One of His names, Immanuel, means “God with you.” Jesus promises, “Surely, I am with you til the end of the age.” (Mt. 28:20) It is one of the great mysteries that Paul writes about, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” (Col. 1:27) When I meditate on God’s many wondrous attributes, I am blown away by His grace in allowing us to approach Him at any time. (Try insisting on a spontaneous audience at 1600 Pennsylvania and see how that works! Or phoning the president…just because you want to chat.) But Almighty God, Creator of the universe, the one who knows the names of all the stars and yet designed and knows you personally – HE is always with you, and eager to invite you into His presence. No wonder the prophet says, “Though (EVERYthing goes wrong), YET I will rejoice in the Lord; I will be joyful in God, My Savior.” (Hab. 3:17-18)


What problems are you wrestling with? In what areas is it seem hard to trust God? Why not turn them ALL over to God’s provident care? Trusting in Him fully means rejoicing in Him and His perfect plan…and time line. Is this easy? No way. Is our way any better? Absolutely no way. Let’s trust the one who knows the way.