Tag Archives: Revelation 22:17

Are You Drinking Enough?

The popular adage is “drink eight glasses of water per day.” You may need more depending on your body, the amount of exercise you do, your condition. But it is clear: we need water, and plenty of it.

When we were in Bolivia I read that altitude affects the need for more water consumption. We were told to drink lots of water each day, which combined with the lack of public restrooms, became a stressor of its own! 🙂 Nonetheless, we were advised to drink water before we became thirsty. By the time your brain tells you that you are thirsty, your body is already suffering. And so we are all advised to drink water throughout the day to stay hydrated. This will increase our ability to think clearly and our stamina. Whether you are healthy or have Leukemia, your body requires plenty of water to make healthy blood cells.

The same is true of our spiritual thirst. If we wait until our soul is parched, our thinking becomes clouded and judgment impaired. In fact, if we wander long enough in the desert of our own thinking, we can lose our ability to find or even desire the ‘living water’ that Jesus freely offers.

Don’t wait until you feel thirsty to come to God. Drink regularly throughout the day. Drink without stopping. Be refreshed.

“Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.
Revelation 22:17